Women - Get Some Sleep!

by Chester Ku-Lea

Nearly 70% of American women report sleep problems at least some nights, according to a new poll commissioned by the National Sleep Foundation. Overall, 29% of the women surveyed say they use some type of sleeping aid at least a few nights a week.

Family and work demands were often factors in the sleeplessness, as well as age, lifestyle and mood. Women who didn't sleep well tended to report they were too tired to exercise, eat properly, or have sex with their partner. A good night’s sleep is also crucial to work productivity and weight management.

This sleep problem in women is likely echoed around the world. Slow down and take some time for your self before you get rundown, sick and even depressed. Make sleep a priority – follow a strict sleep schedule, exercise daily, and avoid caffeine and alcohol before bedtime. Snooze before you lose!

About the Author

Chester is a health nutrition consultant and is the owner of AstroNutrition - a provider of premium health nutrition and sports supplements.

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