The new version of SearchInform

by SoftInform

The new version of SearchInform

The SoftInform company announced the release of a new version of the information full text search system SearchInform.

Following automatic rubrication that had been implemented in the previous version the developers have substantially enhanced the functionality of the information retrieval application with new opportunities. SearchInform proudly boasts the ability to search by file attributes and search with limits. The new types of files for indexation comprise .mp3 and .avi tags, Open Office documents and electronic messages from TheBat. The support of document attributes has equipped users with additional opportunities and streamlined the search process. Search with limits enables you to search documents with certain attributes only (by file size, by message subject, by characters in the heading, etc.). In addition, the interface of SearchInform has been slightly retouched, a number of minor bugs have been corrected and a plug-in for Microsoft Visual SourceSafe has been added. High indexing rate (up to 30 Gb/hour), a small index size (15-20% of the actual bulk of textual information), support of virtually all widely spread formats of text files, (including .pdf, .html, electronic messages from Outlook and TheBat, mp3 and avi tags) and correct work with archives turn SearchInform into an irreplaceable information retrieval tool for searching information.

More information about SearchInform you can find on the official site: If you have any questions, please write to

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