Creating a Motivating Work Environment

by Lorraine Cohen

Here are two stories that might sound familiar:

A few years ago I had a client Bill (not his real name) who relocated to upstate NY to begin a new job. He was hired to clean up a dept that was losing money and was in need of strong leadership and focus. He went into the position with all sorts of expectations and focused on having a successful mindset.

Inside of 18 months, he found he was miserable in his job. He found the company environment oppressive and too demanding. He was also unwilling to look at how his behavior and beliefs system contributed to his unhappiness at work.

Carol (not her real name) opened her own home-based business three years ago. To attract clients she put in long hours, did everything herself and didn’t even take a day off. By the time I met her she was exhausted and stressed by all the people and responsibilities she was managing, had no personal life and was beginning to lose her passion for her business. We had lots of work to do!

Whether you work out of your home or travel to your business is your work environment conducive to success?

> Is your workspace organized so that you can find what you need? If you’ve been intending to get rid of clutter or purchase office supplies (like a filing cabinet!), get it done. What do you think chaos is costing you? > Are you able to focus and concentrate? > Are the ergonomics right? In other words, are you using furniture that supports your body properly? How’s the lighting? > Need to upgrade any business systems like marketing materials, your website, software upgrades, or phones? > Do you need to delegate or outsource some of your administrative responsibilities? > If you work with associates, do you like them? Do they help you succeed? How about your boss? > Is your work environment uplifting and energizing?

People set their own mental tone for their environment. In other words, working on yourself and taking responsibility for your attitude, or you will begin to blame people and situations for your lack of success. If your work environment is sabotaging your success, making changes is your responsibility.

What changes do you need to make today to create a motivating work environment?

About the Author

Lorraine Cohen, President of Powerfull Living, brings more than 25 years experience in personal and business coaching, psychological counseling, and sales to thousands of business owners, entrepreneurs, and executives from a wide range of industries to have greater career success and personal happiness in their life. She is also the host of a weekly internet-based show called Powerfull Living Radio. Visit: <> to learn more about Lorraine’s services, success products, and programs. Sign up for her monthly ezine, free fear ecourse, and blog. Contact her for speaking engagements and customized leadership programs for your company or organization -

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