Why Choosing The Right Personal Injury Lawyer For Your Case Is Important

by Brenda Hollingsworth and Richard Auger

If you have been injured in a serious motor vehicle accident or a slip and fall accident, your friends and family may urge you to select a personal injury lawyer to claim compensation for your injuries. If your accident was as a result of someone else's negligence, getting legal advice is likely a very good idea. However, selecting a lawyer is not a "one size fits all" process. It is important to do your homework before signing an agreement with any lawyer.

Part of doing your homework is ensuring that the lawyer you are selecting actually practices personal injury law. In most North American jurisdictions, once you are called to the bar and are a licensed lawyer, you are permitted to handle any type of case, even if you have no specific training or expertise in that area of law. For example, there is nothing stopping a lawyer who specializes in wills and estates from taking on a personal injury case. Most lawyers would not intentionally take on a case knowing that they lack the requisite skills. However, the fact is that there are many issues in a serious accident case that you simply cannot be aware of if you have not been trained and have not handled cases before. So, step number one when doing your homework is selecting a lawyer who focusses his or her practice in the area of personal injury.

Another important step when selecting a personal injury lawyer is the retainer agreement or contract between you and the lawyer. You will get a sense of how experienced the lawyer is by looking at whether or not they have an agreement that is specially designed for personal injury cases. You will also get a sense of their integrity by how the lawyers present the agreement. Most seriously injured personal injury clients should not be signing a retainer agreement "on the spot" at a first meeting in the hospital. The lawyer should give you an opportunity to review the agreement and discuss it with your family. It will be a very unusual situation where your case will be jeopardized if you do not sign an agreement immediately.

A third important consideration when selecting a personal injury lawyer is your "fit" with the lawyer. Do you get along? Do you feel comfortable discussing your injuries, financial issues, impacts on your relationships etc with this lawyer? Not all great personal injury lawyers will be a great match for all clients. You should take your time and get to know the lawyer you are considering before taking the important step of hiring him or her.

Following these simple steps will ensure that your important relationship with your personal injury lawyer is as positive and relaxed as possible. Personal injury claims can be stressful. Avoid adding to the stress by working with a lawyer with whom you are not comfortable.

About the Author

Ottawa personal injury lawyer Brenda Hollingsworth represents people who have suffered injuries in Ontario. If you have been injured in a serious Ontario accident, contact us at http://www.personalinjuryottawa.ca or call 613 860-4529. We are located in Ottawa, ON. We focus on motor vehicle accidents, slip and falls, bike accidents, truck accidents, motor cycle accidents, pedestrian accidents, and similar mishaps.

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