Deeply At Rest In And As Who You Actually Are by Elysha

by Elysha Elysha

Coming to being deeply at rest at and as this one that you already and truly are - not the notyou-ness of who you think you are - while the dance of life continues to be danced through the mindbody that you also find your self happening to be flowing through in this very moment, is going to take you beyond the sheer delight that you will grow through on this most wonderful of journeys of the self and heart discovery.

Great, eh?

Deeply at rest in and as who you actually are without you mistaking yourself to be anything other than who you are already; you coming to find out (for yourself) the joy of realizing just who this “you” is (and have always been, as this is what you will also come to realize) while this “you” of you (who you are) is flowing through (in what appears to be a very personalised manner) a mindbody that is also part of the arisings of the notyou-ness.

To be who you are is a joy beyond anything that you are capable of imagining from within the mind that informs this mindbody and that has you imprisoned into believing it to be you.

You realizing this “you” of you on a momentary basis while flowing through this mindbody that you find yourself flowing through; you learning to move from this place of the seeing and being of who you truly are; you coming to realize - for yourself - how there is nothing for you to do as this “you” of you is already complete; you coming to realize that this mindbody that you are so intimately involved with - simply because you have been caught up in trying to be this mindbody for so long - will unravel from its motion of unlove and mind informancy quite naturally as you continue to stay in place in the realization of the seeing and being of who you already are; you being stopped at and as this one that is already before and yet flowing through the very eyes of this mindbody that who you are is currently flowing through.

Also, you will come to realize - for yourself - just what a joy it is to be who you are, even while the mindbody goes through all kinds of withdrawal symptoms as you learn to no longer try and be this mindbody as if it were who you are.

Never have you been who you think you are and nor will you ever succeed in trying to be this mindbody that this “you” of you is flowing through. However, the withdrawal symptoms can be painful for the mindbody that you are not, as it unravels of its mind informancy and you will feel this pain of what it is that you have created for yourself through this attempt of yours in the trying to be what you are only flowing through.

There is a price to be paid for trying to be something that you are not and that price is in coming to the realization that none of what you have taken to be true of you has ever been true of you; you realizing that you have always been free and will always be free because this “you” is freedom itself; you realizing the grace of your heart that you already are; you coming to see for yourself that “you” are the very divine one of all time, lacking for absolutely nothing.

About the Author

If you wish to learn more about spiritual enlightenment visit Elysha’s website for more free information.

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