Dating - Want More Sex? 8 Tips to the Art of Appreciation

by Priscilla Parham

Copyright (c) 2007 Priscilla Parham

Got someone special in you life? But somehow you've hit that 3 month stall or that 7 year itch or you just can't seem to get your schedules to match up any more. Put some fire back into your bedroom by working on yourself.

Incorporate these 8 Tips into your daily living and your mate will fall in love all over again.

1. Every morning upon waking think about or write about all of the things, experiences and people you are grateful for, including your mate.

2. Give a smile and an honest compliment to your mate, daily.

3. Make your mate feel important, just listen to what they have to say. No need to agree or disagree.

4. Remember your mate, send unexpected cards. Have them mailed to their workplace and also mailed to arrive in their personal mail at home.

5. Write your own journal of positive aspects about your mate. It doesn't matter if you write the same thing over and over again. Read them to yourself daily, feel them, sing them, whatever it takes to change your mind and uplift your mood.

6. Be easy with yourself. Appreciate yourself more and others will follow.

7. Give forgiveness freely, it doesn't matter if they deserve it or not, YOU DO. So let go of carrying all that extra baggage around.

8. Every night before going to bed think about or write about all of the things, experiences and people you are grateful for, including your mate.

The key to more love and sex in your life is to become those qualities that you want to see in your mate. Be happy, be easy, let go of things that don't matter much and appreciate those around you more. In the end it becomes a balancing act of selfishness and selflessness – because neither one is a good quality all by itself.

In the words of Maya Angelou "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

In life alot of times we move through without clear thought or focus then become unhappy with the results. If the sex or passion is no longer forth coming, remember you are getting back what you give. At you'll find tools to help you get clear about what you want for yourself and your relationship, with gratitude and appreciation pages to print for your use.

Starting today, you can show your mate appreciation with the true magic of greeting cards. It is not the card itself; its the message on the card. That is where the magic is. It is pure energy, the positive kind. The energy that changes lives and makes the world a better place to live in.

Are you ready for more sex and passion, just like when you first met?

About the Author

You can send free personalized greeting cards in the mail (not e-cards) from your computer at . Priscilla Parham coaches on awareness and goal setting for your health, your business and your relationships motivating change from the inside-out.

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