Top Tips To Earn Money Writing Online

by Lucy May

Through the power of the internet it is highly possible in today's modern world to supplement your income by earning extra money writing online. The advent of technology has enabled writers from all walks of life to join a community of budding authors. No longer do you have to wait for: "the check is in the mail!" Very often the speed of publishing your work online brings quick, easy, direct remuneration.

The writers of yesteryear spent many months putting pen to paper, which later they had to transfer into typed manuscripts. These were posted out by mail to editors and book publishers. Decisions of acceptance or decline often took several months to arrive back with the writer, if declined the author would normally submit elsewhere and the long cycle began again.

Today's modern writer is still basically underneath the same; a writer is a writer and has to write, constantly. There are still the dedicated fiction/non fiction authors' seeking publication, but it has become difficult for unknown authors to become recognised and accepted. Unfortunately in this day and age publishers are looking for a famous name on the dust cover in order to create sales.

However the internet has changed the opportunities of the unpublished writer, no longer does a budding author have to seek his work in paper, and many authors are now well known online.

There are various ways you can earn quick and easy money by writing using the internet. Start a blog, these can be free to set up and maintain. Choose one of your favourite subjects and write everyday. It's a great way to hone your writing skills and by posting regularly you will build up a readership. Place ads on your site and as your reader hits increase, so should your ad click revenue.

Completing surveys is not really classified as a writers ideal position, if you are in need of extra cash then consider signing up for some but they are time consuming when you should be concentrating on your writing skills. However there are survey companies who will pay you for well written product reviews.

Take a course and there are many online that will teach and guide you through the copywriting techniques or the basics of freelance writing. Positions here require a much higher standard of writing but the earning potential is far greater.

Everybody today is searching and demanding information and there is a vast market for ebooks, covering every subject imaginable. Use your specialised knowledge whether from a hobby, interest or career and write an informative ebook. The length can range from anywhere between 3,000 to10,000 words. Keep it lively you could include illustrations, graphs, anything to enhance your topic and offer it for sale.

Again working within your personal insight, research the internet under sites like ‘google' for companies who are advertising for well written articles on given subjects. Start a search under ‘articles wanted', scroll down until you find a description matching your expertise. The market is very popular so ensure you read their descriptions carefully and work to meet the deadline.

Having worked through the above opportunities you may have sensed that the main word here is to diversify. Over the course of a month you could complete your workload with many different companies. Build up contacts, like everything in life take it steady and in time you will discover which course of action to concentrate on and which one will work best for you.

Then comes that wonderful day when you actually have to turn work away. You've made it. You earned it.

About the Author

Lucy May has made a career out of writing and lives with her daughter and 2 neurotic dogs who keep her sane as she works from home. If you are interested in earning a living from writing and would like to find out more please visit =>

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