Get the Sales That You Should Be Getting!

by James Little

Simply ask yourself a question – How many sales are you missing day in and out by not having your very own online presence? Doing your daily business by bricks and mortal way can only help you reach your potential customers by some length only. Comparing to traditional way, online business presence would bring you a whole new horizon in term of potential customer’s base.There are several options in building your online business presence; some would go for the Rep or “Clone” Website e.g. sub-domain website address coded with individual ID. But beware! Most Rep or “Clone” sites can’t really be personalized. And your ID coded page usually is either hard or impossible to get indexed in the search engines, moreover getting high ranking there.Just give it a try and do a search on the big G, Yahoo, and MSN. Search for some items and see the returned result. Be it software, download, magazine…etc. You could clearly see that those with their own website with TLD (Top Level Domain) name will rank higher than the sub-domains. If you have a sub-domain given by your main affiliate, you should be able to see that your sub-domain will be ranking much lower that the said main TLD whom had provided you with the sub-domain. For illustration purpose, would be in higher position than .What’s more, your sub-domain’s website address will most likely be always pointing back to your main TLD provider, giving them a further boost in ranking position. Clearly, you are giving other a boost in their SE positioning, and by the mean channeling the traffic back to them! You should be getting that for your business website, not others! The priority should be your own business website home page; it should come first before others.You would ask, “How does it actually affect me and my money to be earned”? What does it means to you then? Simple - there are millions of people searching for YOUR products or services everyday. By having your very own website for business, you are not lost in big sea pool of other sub-domain or ID coded “Clone” websites in the search engines. When you are consistent in building up own website, you’ll be truly surprise one day when even the simplest terms for your business website could climb their way all to the top position in search engine results. And that means giving you more free traffic than you could expect! Of which in return could generate much more potential business for you. That’s what you are looking for isn’t it? A consistent income generating online business channel of your very own! It’s what we could term as “Valuable Online Business Equity”! Then, once you get those visitors to your site, it's totally up to you to turn them into buying customers. The best way to do is to get them on your subscription list, and grab their loyalty. From there onwards, lay your marketing strategy out in serialized chain. Make them your long term buying customers.If you don't have your own website as of today, start taking action NOW to build your personal website today! Act NOW! Make your present on the net, its YOUR BUSINESS to be build!Of course, one would ask then, “How it is going to perform?” That would need further discussion on the area which we can explore together. First, build your own site and turn it to income generating business equity for you! That’s the priority. That’s what you should be aiming for…That’s your Goal to be achieved!

About the Author

James Little shares his thoughts at Business Resources Suggestion Site ( ) while ventures into online business. Network sites include Resources Marketplace ( ) and Business Centre ( ) provides resources for internet entrepreneurs.

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