What Passport and Visa Services Does the Indian Visa Center Offer?

Indian Visa Center is a private visa services agency.

by Sandeep Dhawan

The Indian Visa Center is an agency that is not, in any way, related to the government but is designed to provide customers with a wide variety of different visa and passport services. Many people wonder exactly what services the Indian Visa Center offers to clients, so the following are all of the services that the Indian Visa Center provides:

Visa application services

The first, and quite possibly the most important, kind of services that the Indian Visa Center offers and provides to clients are visa application services. No matter what kind of visa a person needs to apply for, the Indian Visa Center will most definitely be able to lend them a helping hand in submitting an application and taking all the necessary measures to make sure that it is approved.

Passport renewal services

People who already have Indian passports often want to renew them for any of many different reasons. While all a person needs to do in order to submit an application for the renewal of their passport is to fill and submit an online passport renewal application, most people tend to have trouble, and if they do, they can simply use the Indian Visa Center’s services to submit their application.

Overseas Citizenship of India card application services

An Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) is a special kind of Indian citizenship that is available to any and all individuals who are eligible to become citizens of India as of the 26th of January, 1950, or belonged to an Indian territory on the 15th of August, 1957. Many people of Indian origin living abroad want to apply for an OCI card, and if a person does want to do so, the Indian Visa Center can most definitely help them out.

Online Person of Indian Origin card application services

The Indian Visa Center also offers Person of Indian Origin (PIO) card application services to customers, services in which the visa and passport services agency helps its clients fill an online PIO card application form and submit it in an attempt to obtain their PIO cards. However, it should definitely be noted that, as of the 9th of January, 2015, the Indian government has abolished and Person of Indian Origin scheme, which means that Person of Indian Origin cards are no longer available.

Private passport expediting services

Last of the many different passport and visa services that the agency provides, the Indian Visa Center also offers private passport expediting services to its clients. If a person has applied for a private passport or wants to apply for a private passport but is in a hurry and cannot afford to wait for ages and ages for their application for a passport to be approved, all they need to do is hire the Indian Visa Center. The Indian Visa Center is more than capable of expediting quickening the whole process that eventually ends with a person receiving their private passport.

About the Author

Indian visa Application Assistance Center for Visa and Passport Services! Indian Visa Center, Passport and Visa Services Agency provide Indian Visa Application. We specialize in Emergency Passports & Private Passport Expediting Services for both Travel and Visa with a nominal charge. Call us at (718) 554 0000 to apply Indian OCI card application online. for more information visit us http://indianvisacenter.com.

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