The Pilanesberg National Park
In the long list of African safari, one of the parks which is waiting to be explored, is the Pilanesberg National Park.
The Pilanesberg National Park located in the North West Province of South Africa, borders with the entertainment complex of Sun City. It is one of the most treasure stored African national parks. This park was opened long back in 1979 as a part of the South African Governments Operation Genesis. The Pilanesberg National Park was originally owned by three local tribes, but now it is under the ownership of the North West parks board. The area covering the Pilanesberg National park is fringed by three rings of hills. This is the park’s primary geological feature and is given the name ‘The Pilanesberg National Park Alkaline Ring Complex’. This vast circular geological feature is actually the crater of a long extinct volcano which erupted some 1,200 million years ago. It is one of the largest volcanic complexes of its type in the world. Added to this is the presence of rare rock types and formations which make it a unique geological feature. A number of rare minerals also occur in the park. Pilanesberg National Park is rated high amongst the world's outstanding geological phenomena. Besides the geological phenomena, throughout the park are scattered various sites that originated from the Iron age and Stone age and show the presence of man from those periods in these areas. In the African safari of The Pilanesberg National park, you will find both the types of vegetation. The park is on a transition zone due to which there are overlaps in mammals, birds and vegetation. In the African safari to the Pilanesberg National Park you will find the accommodation of almost every mammal of southern Africa. As per a survey held in December 2006, the total count of animals was approximately 6,000 which included animals like Lions, Cheetah, Elephant, Black Rhinoceros, White Rhino, Sable Antelope, Buffalo etc. Besides these you can also spot other cats such as Caracal and Leopard. Besides the animals, you can find over 360 species of birds in your African safari to the Pilanesberg National Park.
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African Safari - Luxury adventure safari has the best african safari. Luxury african safari provides a malaria free and adventurous african safari. Enjoy african safari tour on elephant back ride and african safari special baloon ride.african safari tour is cheap and affordable.
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