How to 'Force' Your Visitors to Order Immediately!

by Michael Hopkins

This may comes as a surprise to you but, if you're using popups on your website (which you should), then chances are you're using them all wrong. Almost everybody is.

Did you know, for example, that top marketers are using HIDDEN techniques that make any given popup VASTLY more effective on their sites than the VERY SAME popup would be on yours!

In fact, Stephen Pierce has actually admitted that one of these hidden popup techniques increased his profits by a whopping 50%!

Here's how that technique works...

Let's say Joe Bloggs has visited your site but has decided (for whatever reason) not to order just yet. He closes his browser (or clicks to another site) and then BAM!

Up jumps a window that makes Joe a special offer he just CAN'T refuse. On top of that, Joe has only got x number of minutes to make up his mind. There's a countdown happening right before his eyes. If he doesn't react before the time expires,he loses out on the special deal -- forever.

Suddenly Joe is back on your site and placing his order.

I call these 'Pressure Popups' because they really put your visitors' backs to the wall and practically force them to take you up on your offer.

For pressure popups to be completely effective they have to be 'conditional'. In other words, they should only pop up when certain conditions are met.

You don't, for example, want the pressure popup to show if your visitor is about to order your product. After all, the idea behind pressure popups is to pull back those visitors that were leaving your site WITHOUT ordering.

In short, if your visitor is ordering, leave him/her alone. However, if your visitor is clicking away, hit him/her with an offer that's too good to resist (like a special discount, an extra bonus, etc.)

Make sure there's a live countdown on your popup. Remind your visitor that, once the countdown has ended, the popup will disappear and will never be displayed again.

It's easy to see how this kind of popup will make the visitor seriously reconsider your offer. This is particularly effective with those visitors who like your product but decided to order later (and usually never come back). This is the incentive they need to place the order instantly -- and guarantees you a sale that would otherwise have been lost.

In the four months since I first added a conditional pressure popup to one of my sites, sales have increased by just over 20%. It's a good feeling to know that every single extra 'pressure' sale I've made is one that would never have happened otherwise.

Adding conditional pressure popups to your page is simply a question of placing a piece of javascript on your pages. You could go to a site like and hire a programmer to create the code. Or, you could download point and click software like Dynamic Popup Generator to make them for you.

Whichever approach you decide to use, go ahead and add these powerful popups to your website today and start putting your visitors under pressure!

About the Author

Michael Hopkins is a successful web marketer and developer of the world's most powerful popup generator software. Download it now at

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