There Is Only One Secret Left To Succeed In On-Line Business.
Most people will be surprised to read this again. Because they make business too complicated. Perhaps the sophisticated hype-peddlers sold them the complicated theory.
Let me write in simple language.
Let me ask you this question: Do you know these?
"Every business activity is about being a part of the Ying-Yang equilibrium. The result of maintaining stability is the wealth generated."
"The Ying-Yang equilibrium is an oriental equivalent to the Western business teaching – The Demand and Supply symmetry."
Can you truly understand this? It is not about philosophy. It is about realty that happen everyday in our life anytime, anywhere.
Speaking in a crude street-language, it means, "Gotta give to take. Or, take and lose it all."
For example:
A newspaper boy gets thirsty in one hot Sunday. He buys a drink from a lemonade stand. The owner takes the money, and buys more lemons from a grocery store. The storeowner wants to read newspaper. He parts some portion of his money to get the newspaper boy to deliver it to him everyday.
Who lose? – No one. Everyone takes part in maintaining the equilibrium and wins in the process.
Ironically, many people often unknowingly misuse this universal law.
For example:
Mr. Paul wants more leads for his business. He buys from someone who sells leads cheaply. He can pay $1,000 for over 100,000 leads.
Do the law of Demand and Supply work for him?
Yes. However, it operates in another way. The demand of work to establish relationship with the prospects is great. People do not know him from the beginning. They do not trust him at all.
Mr. Paul must work harder to supply the necessity to gain trust. It takes more time for him to close the first sales.
You see, when you do not know the exact method to use the law, you end up paying more in terms of time value.
The time factor is a negative damping element when you misuse the high demand, high supply situation.
There is also another way to misuse.
For example:
Many people have been sold by those niche-marketing theories. These work in one way, but will not work in the end.
Why is this so?
This is because many people are seeking marketplace of high demand, low supply situation.
Remember, man cannot control the Law of Equilibrium. The nature of it is to seek equilibrium according to its way, not man's way.
In a high demand, low supply situation, there is no way you can supply to all demand by your own effort. In the end, the demand overflows to other suppliers who are parts of the Equilibrium.
Thus, you lose many potential sales, which means money to you.
Instead of keeping the demand by yourself, you lose more of it via sales.
So, does it mean that you should go after low demand, high supply?
Perhaps it is because a few hotshot marketers are selling this theory right now. They tell you that high supply means great money in business.
Well, in realty, most people lack in-depth understanding and often work the opposite way, which cause them loss of time, sales, and money.
Understand this… When you are in low demand, high supply situation, you are not supposed to focus your resources on the high supply. You should pool in all your resources to generate more demand, and channel it to high supply situation.
For example:
Every month, there are 5,000 people on the Internet seeking to buy custom-made candles. And there are over 100,000 candle makers on the Internet.
So, the ratio of demand to supply is 1 to 20. It means wealth in this business. Am I right?
However, there is greater wealth in low demand that you may not see.
You should generate more demand and channel it to candle makers who misconceive the low demand situation. In the process, you will generate wealth for yourself.
How do you generate more demand?
Simple - Find web sites of these themes:
•Sites that honour dead artist, sportsperson, poet, and Very-Important-People are great sources of demand. This is because every year of a particular day, fans celebrate and honour their idols. These people generally want candles. You can generate demand and sell it to the candle makers.
•Sites that celebrate festival events on a particular day such as Christmas, memorial day, and new year. There are demands for custom-made candles.
When you work this way, you are part of the Law. You flow along with it and the wealth comes to you.
What about a low demand, low supply business environment?
The principle of maintaining equilibrium still applies.
For example:
There are only 500 people seeking to buy custom-made candle every month. Yet, there are less than 500 suppliers.
Are you going to give up?
Absolutely not, if I were you!
Use the method as mentioned in previous example to create the demand.
If the demand overshoots the supply greatly, find new suppliers! Use the excess demand as an advantage to work out a profitable joint-venture deal with them.
This is easy business. Your main work is to help businesspersons to find the balance in demand and supply. There is no competition because a person who strives to achieve the demand and supply equilibrium never competes.
Remember, you can never cage the demand and supply. You must let them flow to everyone generously.
This is the gist of business domination module in the Association Site Master program. You create a monopoly by channelling demand to your association members. You recruit more members when the demand overshoots the supply.
Personally, I cannot think of any better opportunity than this. Owning an association of businesspersons in the industry is still the best asset that outlives anyone on Earth!
The interesting part is that you are not in competition. Instead, you are Mr. or Mrs. Nice Person who helps to maintain the demand and supply equilibrium.
But, your first step is to dominate more search engine traffic. You need to be a forerunner of the Wild Wild West (World Wide Web).
• You acquire a piece or raw land (your domain name). • You bring in water and roads (the search engine traffic). • You plough the land, and grow food (your web site content). • You build railroads to attract more hungry residents (more search engine traffic).
Later, you acquire more land and repeat the process. As your empire grows, you invite more working partners in order to maintain the demand and supply equilibrium.
My friend, this is the only way to turn little business into an empire.
For more details on how to pull in more search engine traffic, read this report for better understanding. By the way, this is an updated one: http://www.associationsitemaster/
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