Why Should You Get A Humidifier Today?
Why do you need a humidifier in your home you may ask? There are certain times of the year, particularly winter, where the air becomes extremely dry and creates an unpleasant climate to live in. A humidifier will get rid of this discomfort, as it will add moisture to the air by producing a cool mist. This will make the air less drying to your mouth, throat, and nose.
During the winter the air becomes very dry, and as you turn your heat on the relative humidity drops a tremendous amount. It is important to get a humidifier and keep the relative humidity in your home in between 30% to 50%. If you keep it in this range, you’ll be able to turn your thermostat down a few notches. With humid air in the house, you will feel more comfortable at a lower temperature then you would at a higher temperature with no humidity.
A humidifier is not only going to help clean up the air, but it will also reduce the static levels in your house, and reduce the risk of drying out the wooden furniture. When humidifying your home, you will also reduce the risk for manufacturing problems.
Now that you know why to use a humidifier, its time to decide on what type of humidifier is best for you. There are all kinds of humidifiers designed to fit your need including boiler steam, chemical-free boiler steam, hot liquid, electricity, and natural or LP gas.
When looking at a boiler steam humidifier, you will find that some are installed inside the ducts. Some are chemical-free steam, while others are not. Most are going to be convenient for homes, as they have a wide capacity range to reach most parts of the home, if not all.
Hot water humidifiers are a liquid-to-steam humidifier. This is a chemical-free steam that uses energy from already existing hot water sources. The steam capacity is going to range from 9-2160 lbs/hr.
With electrical humidifiers, the range is going to be much shorter as most shoot out steam at a capacity of 50-250 lbs/hr. These can be used for small ducted appliances and are typically used in finished spaces. The advantage to this kind of humidifier is that it is very affordable, but it will not cover near as much space like a hot water humidifier.
The humidifier that is best for an entire house is a natural gas humidifier. The gas-to-steam humidifier will have a steam capacity of 75-3,600 lbs/hr covering most parts of the house.
On a review for the best humidifiers, the Bemis' faux wood-grain cabinet console humidifier is said to be the best to cover a whole house, or most of the house at up to 2,500 square feet. It refills very easily and is affordable at approximately $130. The humidifier will need occasional filter replacements, but other then that it is ready to go. Check out the link below to see other recommended humidifiers:
Another page to check out for the best humidifiers for your home is an article that was written on about.com. In this article they discuss cool mist humidifiers and warm mist humidifiers, and then give the best four home humidifiers in their opinion, and where they can be purchased. Check out this article here:
There are many different kinds of humidifiers that cover small areas to an entire house. In the end, no matter what kind of humidifier you buy, the air will be cleaner then it was before. So go out and find the humidifier that satisfies your needs best, and begin breathing clean and safe air in your home today.
About the Author
Information on heating and air conditioning. If you are looking to buy a new furnace or air conditioner or repairing the one you have you will find everything you need to know here: http://www.airconditioningandfurnaces.info
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