The eBook Law
A growing moneymaking trend in the United States in many countries in Western Europe is the acquiring and reselling of eBooks through the Internet. This growing business is legitimate and profitable, but only if you know the laws, rules, and what you are doing and offering to clients and customers. If you are in the market for a home business, then opening an online book store or eBook store might be right up your alley.
Knowing the difference between selling rights however, is vital to avoid trouble with copywrites and authors. For many online sellers, knowing what normal resell rights as opposed to master resell rights can make the difference between success and failure. Internet software, and eBooks, are generally sold with resell rights included in the transaction. Such rights prohibit readers or sellers from altering any of the content in their books, and if any changes were desired, the owner of the copy must contact the author for permission to make such changes. Usually for a fee you can get private label rights to the product. These rights can include changing the cover art, content, title, affiliate links and other issues.
Basically, a normal resell right allows anyone who purchases an eBook to turn around and sell it to someone else. A master resell transaction allows sellers to not only sell that eBook, but they also pass on the resell rights to that buyer as well. While most private label rights give you permission to change the product as you see fit. Some online eBook sellers offer such resell rights, while others do not.
There are many ways to use eBooks. You can use them for information purposes. Better yet use them to promote your online business. Make sure when it comes to PLR you know what you are getting into. Many people try to control what you can do with their eBook. They state the terms and conditions in the form of a usage license. This license is where the rules are established for the protection of your purchase and their product. Preferably its in .pdf format. Adobe documents cannot easily be changed, and it would give purchasers the security they need. While giving the product owner the rights they want to relay.
Hopefully you understand the differences between them now. Do yourself a favor and find a good resell rights downloadable eBook package. You'll save yourself a good sum of money doing it this way.
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I love to get people to take action and, help themselves.Sign up for my newsletter and get 5 free eBooks. Resell Rights downloadable eBook Package. 112 eBooks with resale rights.
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