All you need to know about Candida Albicans

by Sarah Rhodes

Sometimes a white coating on the tongue is the result of a yeast infection, also known as thrush. This is when there is an overgrowth of fungus called candida, normally found on skin or mucus membranes. However, if the environment inside the mouth or throat becomes imbalanced, candida can multiply, causing the tongue to be coated. Those with poor immune systems and those who use antibiotics frequently have higher chances of getting a yeast infection.

Although you can use over the counter products which contain anti-histamines or topical anesthetics for dealing with a vaginal yeast infection they do not actually treat they underlying problem and instead just mask the symptoms. Women who find that they are suffering from either recurring or chronic yeast infections may need to be treated with vaginal creams for extended periods of time, but just recently there are more effective oral medications now becoming available. But any woman suffering from either recurring or chronic vaginal yeast infections should consult their doctor in order to find out what the underlying cause of the problem is. Certainly HIV infected women may find that they suffer from severe yeast infections and in some cases they find that the problem is unresponsive to treatment.

You should also be careful when using any form of antifungal cream. There have been a number of cases in which these medications have shown little or no effect on yeast infections. This is because the yeast has grown a resistance to the medication. This occurs when the medication is overused, which is why it is important to only use this product when you have been positively diagnosed with yeast infection.

There are many treatments available, including antifungal creams and prescription pills from physicians. However, the best and most effective treatments are simple home remedies that have a long-lasting effect, with no side effects. In fact, these remedies not only cure the infection, they can also be taken daily to prevent infection. This is unlike the antifungal medication, which can only be taken during an infection due to the fact that the medication can lose effectiveness if taken regularly.

To prevent the occurrence of a vaginal yeast infection, it is a good idea to wear loose fitting clothing and do not wear wet clothing such as a swimsuit for extended periods of time. Good oral hygiene, including daily brushing and flossing as well as using an antiseptic mouthwash, is a must. If thrush has developed, discard and replace any and all infected toothbrushes. In order to restrict the spread of infection, frequently wash hands. It is also important to rinse the mouth out with water after taking a liquid antibiotic to preserve the balance of bacteria in the mouth. It is important to take these common sense measures to prevent the contraction and spread of thrush and to maintain an appropriate balance of candida. Additionally, maintaining a healthy diet and limiting the use of antibiotics will encourage a balanced level of candida in the body and control the occurrence and severity of these fungal infections.

Most women find that they prefer natural remedies to prevent and treat yeast infections. Do some research and decide which treatment is best for you. When you compare the treatments for yeast infections, you will be certain to find the one that best suits your needs, budget and lifestyle.

You should be aware of the fact that there is another way of treating a Candida yeast infection through diet. This alternative Candida treatment works in a very simple manner. By eating the right foods you will create an environment hostile to the Candida yeast which will eventually cause its death.

About the Author

Sarah Rhodes suffered from chronic yeast infections for many years before finally discovering a natural, permanent cure that works. Read about Sarah and the secret that permanently cured her yeast infections at:

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