Five Things to Get Noticed at Work

by Jill Jordan

Jill Jordan, Personal Branding Coach with Smart Women’s Coaching – an organization that coaches people through transitions in order to live with purpose, prosperity and passion – recommends that if you don’t “brand yourself” you won’t get noticed. Just like organizations and companies develop “their brand” in order to market themselves, employees need to do a very similar thing.

1. Volunteer outside of your department

Many people will know your great work inside your department but how many know what you are contributing outside of your department? A great way to get noticed is to volunteer for projects within the company outside of your area of focus.

2. Head up an affinity group within your company

Like to read? Create a book club. Like to bike? Create a bike group. Many companies have affinity groups already established. Join one that fits you and if there isn’t one, create it.

3. Volunteer in a non-profit organization.

Again, many large corporations partner with various non-profits. Get involved in one (or more). What is “significant” is to take on a leadership role. For example, chair the marketing committee within a non-profit. People will notice your great work and will be more apt to do business with you or your company.

4. Create your personal brand

When you walk away from someone how will they remember you? Are you unique (in a favorable way) or do you blend in with the pack? Why would someone choose you over someone else? Do they even know your talents? Create your personal branding message. I’m not just “a coach”. Rather, “I help people re-invent themselves when they feel like they may be stuck or wishing for more fulfillment in their life/career.”

5. Create your “signature style”

Make a favorable visual impression with people. Are you well groomed and appropriately dressed? Do you project credibility and confidence? Perhaps you wear a signature pin (like mine – a “Go Red For Women” red dress that helps promote awareness of the #1 killer of women -- heart disease) It’s a great conversational piece and helps brand you and be remembered!

If you don’t brand yourself, then someone else will. It may not be the “brand” you want.

About the Author

More about “branding yourself” – contact Jill at 248-408-2432 or Check out their website for information on their upcoming seminars, including “Relentless Self Promotion”, or visit the Smart Women's Cafe at

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