I'll Never Have Only One Income Again

by Brant Mathis

Working hard? I bet you worked hard today Nothing wrong with that. I worked my way through a corporate environment for over 25 years and reached the highest level I could without owning the company. I survived and assisted in two buyouts with new owners. I was even rewarded by one with a $15,000 a year increase. Yes, I was excited. Then he faxed me a list of 15 of the 65 employee's I managed that were out of work the next morning, and I needed to let them know. 6 months later he flew in and met with me at 5:30, I was fired and gone by 6:00. He replaced me with his college roommate, because his old roommate needed a job. I got a good severance plan, but a six-figure income and all the perks and benefits were gone. A serious setback for me! I went to another company in another city as a Market manager. My kids were older and the move was not pretty. 7 years later, a new GM in the regional market called me on Thursday afternoon and thought I should tell my people that he was closing my office on Friday. One was out of work and the others were to report to Richmond on Monday. I was to work out of my home.

Get the picture? The idea of working for a company all your life and retiring well is sadly in decline. You probably have friends or know people that have had similar situations. I decided that I would NEVER BE LIMITED TO ONE SOURCE OF INCOME AGAIN! Having said that, I spent 2 years finding and putting together several ways to build INCOME! A PLAN "B"! A back up plan or a way to change your career. Call it what you want but if you want or need MORE MONEY, FINANCIAL FREEDOM, AND A LITTLE CONTROL OF YOUR FUTURE, YOU HAVE TO CHANGE SOMETHING. Continuing to do the same thing, but expecting a different result is just not going to work. If you are the best at what you do at the company you currently work for, will it provide you with the financial ability, time and freedom to do all the things you want to do in life? If you were unable to work, the company was sold, you got a new boss and he just didn't like you, do you have a plan B?

I began investigating ways to add to my income. What was really surprising was how many things that are out there for a person to get involved in. Some of it is pure crap, others are pretty interesting.

Let me share some things I have learned.

1. Work for a company or plan that offers a substantial commission or realistic bonus opportunities. 50% minimum. 2. If it is a pure sales company and you don't like talking to people or meeting face to face with strangers to try and get them to buy your program...don't get in it. 3. Don't expect your family and friends to fall head over heels in love with your new business. 4. There will be more people telling you you've lost your mind than encouraging you to be sucessful. 5. Treat it like a business. You will probably have to invest in some advertising, or supplies etc. Expect it. 6. Don't inventory anything. The upline is just making money on you. 7. Don't expect to get extremely wealthy just because you started a business. You will have to work at it. 8. If you don't believe in yourself to stick to it, don't do it. You'll just become frustrated and give up. Make the commitment! 9. If you don't like meetings, parties, get togethers, home business shows, I guess you know the answer now. 10. If you do jump in, don't quit. Stay at it. Work it a little every day. Find out how to advertise for free. Learn all you can about how the internet works and terminology. Make sure your opportunity has excellent training and support. You must feel like you are backed up and not alone. 11. Other people have become successful, why can't you? It's not a closed society that only a few can participate in. The opportunities are limitless, if you are willing to put in the time or money.

Enjoy! I hope you have a prosperous day! Brant Mathis www.planbmoney.com

About the Author

Ex-Corporate guy with knowledge and life experience to share.

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