DIY Solar Panel Centre - How To Make Solar Panels
There is no doubt that in this era of increasing energy prices that solar panels used for both heating and lighting are becoming a popular cheaper alternative energy provider. Actually building your own solar panel centre is not as complicated as most people would imagine. In this article I am going to take your through a step by step approach to build your own first solar panel installation. Solar Cells.
The most important part of creating a diy solar panel is the actual solar cells themselves. The solar cells are usually a collection of solar cells housed in some sort of container. You can build your own solar panels but it is a very intricate process. I would advise that you purchase your cells from a reputable dealer ( insert affiliate link here). You need to buy either Polycristalline or Monocrystaline solar cells.
All solar cells produce 0.5 volts, but the surface area of the panels dictate the amount of output you can get from your panel configuration. The most desirable cells are high output cells as these recharge your batteries quickly. For your average diy solar panel you need a 3-4 amp cell. You must ensure you don't mix high output cells with low output cells as this will downgrade your high output cells.
Solar Panel Ratings.
The most commonly used solar panel output for domestic use are 7.5 - 21 volts. These panels provide sufficient energy for any household application. These panels also compensate for any drop in voltage which can occur if you have long cable runs. The preferred output is a 36 cell solar panel as this can easily recharge a 12v lead battery.
DIY Solar Panel Frames.
There are many ways to build a solar panel frame and dependant on the materials used will have an impact on the cost. The most cost effective method is to use plywood although the most effective frame that protects the cells from weather elements is to use aluminium. If you use aluminium for the outer frames and stainless steel screws and fibreglass to insulate the cells from the panel back.
The Panel Layout.
Remember we recommended at least a 36 solar panel cell. You must bear in mind that the more cells you can fit in your panel the more voltage you will get out of it. This is especially true if you live in a cloudy area where solar panels can produce more output watts with less sunshine. You must calculate how much electricity you need from your panel as this will dictate how large your panel has to be.
For example, if we used 32 mono crystalline solar cells each at 0.89 watts and 4inch square. In full sunshine this panel would generate an output of 16 volts at 2 amps. When building your panels you are not constrained by just a rectangle shape , you can use any shape you want dependant on your type of installation.
This will depend on the type of materials used for panel construction and where you source your solar panels. The average cost for a panel described above would be around £150 - £180
About the Author
Pete Lamas is a writer who specializes in the shopping experience and has commented on several major energy saving products and companies. You can check out his latest website at where he provides an unbiased product review of How to make your own solar panels and much more.
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