Public Domain Works Marketing Made Easy

by Paul Jesse

Using public domain works to make money is certainly a good idea; however public domain works marketing might have you a bit confused. To understand how to both make money and market public domain works, you will want to understand what public domain means.

Public domain information includes works published before 1923, which includes a whole host of literary works, government documents and the like that are still used today. For instance, Shakespeare, Ben Franklin and other famous figures’ writings are available in the public domain free for the taking. Also, any work published in the United States between 1923 and 1963 in which the copyright was not renewed is also available in the public domain.

Tons of the information available in the public domain is still used in education and daily life. Because of this, there is still a market for these works. As a result, there is a market for individuals to take the information available in the public domain and sell it for personal gain. This is not illegal and is done by many individuals and companies. In fact, there are a whole host of businesses that are dedicated to this alone. Be careful, however, to make sure the information you are using and selling is available in the public domain because if you infringe on someone’s copyright there are some stiff penalties.

There are four types of public domain information that include works that copyrights have expired on, works donated to the public domain for public use, anything printed by the government, and general forms, facts, numbers and things of this nature. As you can see, there is an incredible amount of valid information that is available online and free for the taking. However, you might be wondering how to gain access to this information in order to pack it together in a way that you can market and sell. The answer is to search, search and search some more. It might take some effort to find all you are looking for, however it is out there and all you have to do is look until you find it. When you do, it is free to use, market, and sell however you like. Compile a website, book, e-book, or any other product you might be able to sale or supply access to. This is an amazing way to make money and to use information that is free and ready to be published again. A lot of the original work has already been done, so after compiling the information, all you have to worry about is marketing your product!

Public domain works marketing and selling will be easier once you have your information compiled and know who your niche and target markets are and how to reach them. With a little effort, you will be able to make money from a product that was free to begin with and only cost a little effort and time to compile into a new and sellable product.

About the Author

Paul Jesse is the owner of Shea Marketing, published author, retired government employee, private pilot, and lifetime student of Internet Marketing. He created to help those interested in working from home on the internet.

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