What Does Bob Dylan's Dream Reveal About 'The Law of Attraction'?

by Michael Messina

Copyright (c) 2008 Michael Messina

I was playing some old records (well CD's of old records) the other day and came across one of Bob Dylan's earliest numbers entitled; 'Bob Dylan's Dream'.

It's years since I last played it, which is frightening in itself, since it's a song I really love and not surprisingly the message and the vibe it contained had quite an effect.

It spoke so poignantly of a state of mind you only really experience at a certain time of life that revisiting it years later can't help but move you to tears.

I guess we all succumb to nostalgia once in a while, but the emotions that arise from this can make the moment you last felt them seem like yesterday. The fact that they are still so powerful raises an important issue with regard to The Law of Attraction.

Whenever you engage The Law of Attraction to create something you want now, you have to remember that 'you now' is not the only factor in this reality creation equation. There's also the you once were with his or her dreams and desires. If these past desires have already been realised and continue to be part of your life, no problem, but if they are not, you could be in for some difficulties if what you want now falls outside of the vision and values you had back then.

Here's what can happen.

Let's say you were a politically motivated teenager and had very strong views about social equality of one kind or another. Frustrated at being unable to do much about this at the time, you moved on and vowed that some day you'll find a way to make a difference.

Time passes. Circumstances change and with them your priorities change too. Suddenly you have family commitments and financial goals to reach.

Somewhere deep down you still hold the values you had back when, but you no longer feel compelled to act on them. Now the focus is more on money and success.

And it is these you seek to attract more of into your life.

This is where you now put the Law of Attraction to work. And if you are clear enough about what you want, you should have no difficulty doing this.

Unless the money and success, or at least the way you envisage getting them, runs against the grain of your old values.

Now, don't get me wrong here. I'm not suggesting that those younger values are more or less important than the priorities that drive your life now. Only that they are a part of your intrinsic nature and as such continue to have an influence on the kind of reality you are truly 'willing' to create today.

Getting in touch with these forgotten aspects of yourself is part of the processing work you need to build into your reality creation programmes.

You'll find it a great help to first acknowledge them and then make peace with them.

Who knows, you may even find they add a valuable element of their own that enhances the future you're shooting for today. The world needs strong positive visions and values now as much as it did back then. Probably more so.

If you are unfamiliar with Bob Dylan's Dream, it is from an album he released in the sixties; Freewheelin'.

About the Author

Michael Messina is a writer and metaphysician, who has been writing about and researching personal metaphysics for over 30 years. Initially a student of Theosophy, his quest for inner knowledge has since taken him through elements of the Esoteric Mystery Schools and more recently into New Age Thought. He is the author of The Secret Mind Inner Guidance System. You can find out more about this at; http://www.TheSecretMind.com

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