Iron Deficiency Anemia

by Mitamins Team

You wouldn’t think the body would make such a fuss about a little bit of iron. However iron deficiency anemia( is a serious disease that can affect many parts of the body. Iron deficiency anemia comes about through a lack of red blood cells in the body (the term ‘anemia’ literally means ‘without blood’). One problem with spotting the anemia symptoms is that often they are mistaken for the symptoms of other conditions. These symptoms are usually dismissed as being due to arthritis pain or the side-effects of medication, yet irritability and headaches are two symptoms of iron deficiency anemia. Arthritis, cancer and diabetes are all diseases that can mask the symptoms of iron deficiency anemia. Yet the treatment of anemia with the right amount of iron can reduce the dizziness, palpitations, nervousness, headaches and depression associated with the disease. Treatment of Iron deficiency Anemia Blackstrap molasses are one of the best sources of iron sand can be used as a natural sweetener (refined sugar tends to slow down iron absorption). To prevent iron deficiency anemia, throw out those cigarettes and stock your home with the freshest of fruits and vegetables in season. Cooking in a traditional iron pot can help supplement any deficiency in the food itself, or help in the treatment of anemia. Starting the day with a 10 minute walk will improve your metabolism and help iron become more available in the body. Turmeric, fresh chives, and dandelion are also said to help where iron deficiency anemia is concerned. You should also eat a lot of greens if you want to prevent iron deficiency anemia as well as oily fish like salmon and mackerel. Of course, the surest way to get iron in your body is to supplement with a multivitamin. A custom-made supplement has the added benefit of being able to target any specific health concerns you have, and also avoid vitamin overdose.

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Author Bio:

Mitamins team

Targeted: Anemia; Safety: Avoid Vitamins Overdose, Supplement Drug Interactions; Quality: Freshly Made with Brand Ingredients.

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