4 Mistakes To Avoid For Hemorrhoid Relief

by Deane Alban

Did you know that if you are an adult in the United States, you have a 40% chance that you will develop hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids, also called piles, are those painful, burning, itchy vein inflammations around the lower rectal regions. They can be one of the most embarrassing and frustrating health problems to have. Whether you are a long time sufferer looking for a permanent hemorrhoid cure, or are having them for the first time and want some hemorrhoid relief, here are some of the best hemorrhoid treatments and remedies, A to Z.

Maybe you aren't sure if you have hemorrhoids. Here are a few of the first symptoms that you might notice if you have hemorrhoids - blood in your stools, a burning bottom, or pain when having a bowel movement. In the more severe stages, they can fall out like a lump outside your bottom.

Although people sometimes joke about others having hemorrhoids, it's no laughing matter. They can be annoying and embarrassing and really interfere with your quality of life. When you suffer with these symptoms, they can drive you crazy where all you can think about is how to get rid of your hemorrhoids and how to get immediate hemorrhoid relief.

Here are some common lifestyle mistakes people make that can cause or aggravate existing hemorrhoids.

Mistake #1: Leading a sedentary lifestyle.

A lot of sitting can create additional pressure on your bottom and this invokes the perfect environment for a hemorrhoid to occur. Many of us sit all day at work and then come home and sit in front of the TV! When at work, get up from your desk and take a 5 minute walk or stretch every hour. When at home, why not multi-task exercise or stretch when watching TV. Ironically, sudden heavy lifting can also bring on hemorrhoids, too. So if you are not in good shape, don't try to move your the 'fridge by yourself this weekend! And start gradually with any strength training.

Mistake #2: Eating processed food instead of fresh food.

First, limit or even eliminate the unhealthy "white foods" - sugar, salt, white flour. Be sure to include plenty of fruit, fresh vegetables, and whole grains. Do most of your grocery shopping on the outside aisles of the grocery store - the produce, meat, and dairy sections - and you'll be fine. It makes shopping a lot faster and simpler, too.

Mistake #3: Relying on fiber supplements instead of natural healthy food.

Many people try fiber supplements as a hemorrhoid remedy, but this can backfire and cause gas, bloating and irritation. Besides, many of the fiber supplements contain processed and artificial elements that can create side effects. And they are not really attacking the root of the problem here.

Mistake #4: Relying on over-the-counter medication and creams for hemorrhoid relief.

The most common hemorrhoid treatment that people will try first is an over-the-counter hemorrhoid cream. Although they can bring some temporary comfort, they are not a hemorrhoid cure and they don't address the root of the problem.

So try to avoid these common lifestyle mistakes to stop contributing to any worsening of your hemorrhoids. If making these changes still doesn't bring relief you will need to take proactive measures to get the hemorrhoid relief you want.

About the Author

Frustrated searching for a hemorrhoid cure that works? At HemorrhoidRelief101.com we give you unbiased, honest reports on the best, most popular online hemorrhoid treatment programs. You can find the perfect program for you...and some great articles, too...Just check out http://HemorrhoidRelief101.com .

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