Mobile phones and their Multiple Uses!!

by Jennie Parker

A great way of staying connected even if you are far away is mobile phones. They provide the users with a sense of security. In the event of emergency, having a mobile phone can allow you to contact anyone quickly.

Earlier, the use of mobile phones was associated with financiers and businessmen. However, a massive growth in the industry came about and usage spread to a far wider range of people.

Some people use a mobile phone to access stock market prices or business information but that does not account for its main use. Teenagers welcomed mobile phones partly because the phones suited their mobile lifestyles and partly because with mobile phones they could have their personal conversations as well as some fun. They use their phones to send text messages as much as they use for conversations.

With the coming of advanced designs, mobile phones have become a fashion accessory and their designs and looks have become as important as their functionality.

Today, camera phones have become very popular as they give you the freedom of taking pictures on the move. This feature has attracted many people and they have upgraded their basic mobile phone to a camera mobile phone. You can now make use of this feature by storing pictures of your friends, relatives or even your favourite style icon or anything else that comes into their mind.

One of the major difficulties for the mobile phone industry is to predict what services would be in demand in the future. Most of the people think that access to the Internet will be the mobile industry’s next major advance. That access could be used to enhance its entertainment and leisure facilities or it could be used for business purposes.

Another use of mobile devices is location commerce. The idea is to send targeted messages to people via mobile phones based on where they are. For example, information about traffic conditions could be sent to motorists in the relevant area.

Although, its potential uses might not be taken seriously, the interest of telecommunications industry is very serious. If the phones appeal to consumers for whatever reason, the industry will prosper. If they do not appeal they are bound to be commercial failures.

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