Role Of SWOT Analysis in Market Research
SWOT Analysis
Market research is of vital importance for any company as it provides important information about the market and the consumers. It keeps the company updated with the changing tastes of the consumers. If a company wants to grow and flourish, it has to know about the tastes of the people. It has to satisfy the needs of the consumers in the best possible way.
Market research is an activity that connects the consumers, customer and the public to the marketer through market research information.
SWOT analysis turns out to be a very useful tool in market research. Market research companies use this tool while conducting market research. SWOT analysis implies analyzing the strength, weakness, opportunities and treats of the company.
Companies use SWOT analysis as an outline to help the firm’s formulate an overall corporate, product and marketing strategies. It is in the hands of the company to improve and bring changes in the strength and weaknesses of the organization. However, threats and opportunities are two factors that are not in the control of the organization.
A market research company can improve its strengths by working on the following areas:
· Build a strong brand name · Increase your market share · Form a good reputation in the market · Improve your skills The weakness of a company could be:
· A small or negligible market share · Zero brand loyalty · Inadequate experience
The opportunities of a company could include factors like:
· A booming market · An increase in the consumer spending · Selling the product globally · Changes in the societal thinking could bring benefit to your company
The threats faced by a company might be related to: · Competitors · Unfavorable government policies such as taxes, laws · Societal change not bringing profit to your company
SWOT analysis is the best tool that a company can use to analyze the situation in which they are and deal with it appropriately. The problems that the company forecasts after the SWOT analysis can be used by it for formulating marketing mix strategy. It is always advisable to include a SWOT analysis in a marketing strategy.
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RNCOS E-Services Pvt. Ltd. is an industry leader in the field of online business research. We specialize in industry research on various business verticals. To read our market research reports, visit us at our website: - or email us at
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RNCOS E-Services Pvt. Ltd. offers complete e-publishing solutions for your business. We provide personalized world-class content development and management solutions that are qualitative and result-oriented.
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