The Video Revolution Has Begun!

by Thondor In The house!!

Back in the 1950s, TV, Radio and Newspaper were the easy choices for advertisers to reach consumers. Everyone read the newspaper over breakfast with the radio on and the whole family sat around the TV in the evening.

Things have changed dramatically. Less than 28% of Americans ever look at a newspaper, only 2% can recall any ads just 5 minutes after removing the paper from them. The kids are downloading television programs from the internet or watching their favorite television shows on mobile phones, and adults are using DVR’s, video on-demand and TiVo. These options allow them to skip the commercials. This is seriously hurting TV. Cable is too diluted with small coverage areas, too many channels to chose from, etc. Radio is still very viable and reaches over 98% of Americans every week.

By using streaming video on a web page and radio and internet marketing to drive prospective customers to the website, you have the benefits of Print, and TV right on their computer desktop for significantly lower investment! The millions of advertisers who still buy TV and Newspaper are throwing billions of dollars away, every year. The most cost effective “Multi-Media” campaigns today are those that use radio and Internet advertising to drive consumers to their websites, and video to educate and amaze them.

Every month, more than four billion video streams are viewed by people who consume video at home or at work, people who as recently as a year ago were being asked to pay for the content to which they're now being granted free access, as long as they watch a 15- or 30-second commercial beforehand. Marketers who use video instead of text on their web pages are enjoying as much as a 400% increase in advertising response using video instead of text. Let’s face it, people don’t read any more.

This result ads credibility to the streaming video medium as the broadband universe continues to swell. With excellent return being realized by the NEW multi-media advertisers, the effective cost of doing business in broadband video becomes significantly more affordable. Modern day marketers are taking their TV and print budget and investing them in good websites with video, driving prospects to the videos with radio and internet advertising efforts and are enjoying higher results and pocketing the excess advertising dollars as profits. With the introduction of HelloWorld and VMdirect, advertisers are able to produce videos for free and show them for less than a penny a minute.

Repurposed television methodology -- in both cost and creative -- has helped accelerate the streaming video industry, which is now somewhere between the warm-up lap (P&G, Pfizer, GM, Microsoft, Coke, AMEX, AT&T and others) and full-throttle mode (the rest of the Fortune 500 advertisers).

The Return on Investment calculator suggests a bright future with this methodology.

The backdrop here is an interactive environment that places the user at the critical point of sale. Products and services are a click away. Suddenly, placing that ad video that cost tens of thousands of dollars to produce on television into a clickable forum isn't such a bad idea. If it worked on TV, fresh, qualified reach on broadband seems a logical choice, if it appeals to a broad target demo. The high cost of TV production can be avoided for web sites by using HelloWorld and VMDirect. Their Video webcasts average a penny a minute to run and production can be done by the merchant on a desktop or by uploading webcam videos.

Many of the industry's top agencies are now creating wholly independent “commercials” whose primary function is to serve as an effective internet advertising source for pennies on the dollar compared to TV advertising.

Bridging the divide between traditional broadcast and broadband will require non-territorial thinking. The melding point is video-- video on the television screen, video on the computer monitor, video on the wireless device, the Ipods, etc. It's about the consumption of video, regardless of the manner in which it is displayed. The advertisers paying the bills want to be informed about where the eye balls are and how those eyeballs can most effectively be reached. Now that broadband has realized true scale, the needle is moving and TV is feeling it.

The soaps era, revolutionized by P&G more than 50 years ago, will re-invent itself in streaming video's TiVo-proof, product-placement arena. The options abound for marketers in the web's magazine rack. And with ROI already coming in, the broadband medium is ready to take the entire game to the next level.

Video email sends a personalized Commercial right to the consumers’ desktop. What better advertising method can there be? And for customer service, imagine how a customer feels when they see your smile and hear you say their name!

Video conferencing and instant messaging can save millions in travel and time lost for companies with home office affiliates and out of town sales reps and clients. Families and businesses can communicate, face-to-face to anyone, anywhere in the world, without long distance fees using VMDirect and Hello World.

Like Star Trek and the Jetsons, and thanks to VMDirect and HelloWorld, the future is here!

For more information you can check them out at

About the Author

Video Emails, Video Instant Messenger, Video Blogs, Pod Casting, Live Video Web Pages, Live Video conferences, Live Daily Broadcasting From Your Own Studio!

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