Banner Ads Versus Text Ads: And The Winner Is…

by Terry Detty

Banner ads were widely viewed as the right step towards full multimedia video ads being widely used on the net, which were previously running on TV. Several billion dollars worth of losses later, it had not happened and as that bubble burst and with it many dreams that were never to be, experts were forced back to the drawing boards to re-evaluate the role of advertising on the net and especially that of banner ads. By then text ads had already started making some quiet but huge impact on the web. In the early days of the World Wide Web, there would hardly be a debate over the superiority of banner ads. As venture capital poured into this amazing new medium, many entrepreneurs were betting on the easy and successful transfer of ads from the king of advertising, Television to the web. Banner ads were widely viewed as the right step towards full multimedia video ads being widely used on the net, which were previously running on TV. Several billion dollars worth of losses later, it had not happened and as that bubble burst and with it many dreams that were never to be, experts were forced back to the drawing boards to re-evaluate the role of advertising on the net and especially that of banner ads. By then text ads had already started making some quiet but huge impact on the web. Finally with the successful launch of the Google Adsense contextual ads, text ads had clearly won their place on the net. But where did that leave banner ads? Actually Adsense ads have also been responsible for the re-birth of banner ads. It is instructive that the Adsense program also uses banner ads extensively. It is also crystal clear that banner ads have a lot going for them. The use of color and image can be powerful and should never be underestimated. There has to be a reason why research has clearly shown that using HTML in email advertising has always received a much bigger response than text email. Obviously it has a plenty to do with the fact that HTML enjoys certain visual advantages which banner ads also enjoy over text ads and text mail. Still it is important to note that text ads tend to do much better than banner ads in situations where they are not targeted very specifically and where they are not relevant to a particular web site audience. The only place where banner ads begin to compete effectively is where the audience is highly targeted and very relevant to what is being advertised in the banner ad. Still banner ads have their very important use. Mostly they can be used very effectively to enhance the image of a web based business on the net. Utilizing banner ads are a great web site promotion tool to generate sales and especially as a new business starts to get exposed online to a huge audience.

Internet marketing with banner ads or text ads both, have their own qualities that will boost online advertising.

About the Author

Terry Detty, 42 years old, finds internet marketing his passion. In addition to marketing he enjoys reading, and occasionally gets out for a short walk.

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