by Tanner Larsson

KEYS TO RECRUITING Copyright © Tanner Larsson

You cannot succeed in Network Marketing without mastering the art of recruiting new representatives into your business. It is by far one of the most important skills you will learn and will be something you practice almost every day of your career in MLM.

The recruiting process is the first step in building an organization of thousands of representatives. It should not be mistaken as the ONLY step. The introduction of people to your organization in a positive, encouraging manner is a fundamental must. Here are the basic tools, concepts, and actions used in the first stage of organization building; the recruitment process.

The first element to fully understand is that this business is not for everyone. Many of our closest friends, family members and business associates will not see the value in joining the business at this time. Too often, amateurs look for people who “need” the business, rather than people who “want” the business. This always leads to an early demise for everyone involved. Once you stop expecting everyone to jump at the opportunity as you did, you will save everyone a lot of time, anguish and frustration.

Focus your mindset on finding those people who want what you offer. Don’t waste time trying to convince a negative prospect to join, especially considering that time would be better spent in talking to ten positive people. Commit to memory: Leaders Sort, Amateurs convince.

Never burn your bridges with any negative prospect. Many times negative prospects will watch and return, based on your success. They may even become top producers themselves. Additionally you can never predict what will happen in someone’s life. It may simple be a bad time for a person to commit. Be it a combination of work, school, family and other problems don’t force the issue. Always depart as friends and keep a door open for the future. Keep business cards for future reference. A fundamental principal to remember about recruiting is: No is for now not forever.

When sorting new recruits, always recruit up. Look for the “Center of Influence” in any group. There is usually a person who the others look to for guidance and support. In any group, family or organization there is a person that attracts others. Find that person and take action. They will bring in the rest of their group… recruit the chief, and the Indians will follow. Another question to ask yourself is: “Who would be better in this business than myself?” Find an answer then go get that person. Number yourself on a scale of 1 to 10. If you are a 5, find a 7 and recruit them. If you do, a 7 will find a 9…and a 9 will find a 10. History proves your best representatives will come four or five deep in your organization. Your actions should lead you to people of great desire…and so on.

Be aware! Don’t confuse this concept with the mistaken idea that you should recruit only high income earning pros. If the past is the best determinant of future success, then we would never go after anyone new. We would spin our wheels trying to get people who are already successful in business. Keep in mind; MLM is far different from the structure of corporate America. What works in their world does not work at all in network marketing.

Keep aware. There are many successful people who lack desire and willingness to become humble and learn a new system from scratch. Many individuals do not have the work ethic to put in the hard work needed to be profitable. Look for desire in the heart.

About the Author

Tanner Larsson is a veteran entrepreneur and the publisher of the award winning Work At Home Success Newsletter. Subscribe to his newsletter and recieve 4 EXCLUSIVE Bonuses valued at $276.

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