Several Items To Take Into Consideration Whenever Inspecting The Garage Door

by Kendall Eayrs

A garage door opener is actually the largest moving component in your house therefore it is important that it be inspected to guarantee that it functions properly and also safely. With so many working parts a home inspector ought to check out all parts carefully to guarantee proper function and look out for possible safety dangers.

Here are several of the areas to examine as well as tests you can conduct in order to be sure that you do not forget any issues:.

Evaluate the door for fatigue - Watch out for damage or structural irregularities particularly on older doors.

Emergency Release - When a door comes down it could potentially trap a child or a small pet. There should be an emergency release cable to disengage the automatic operator and make it possible for a homeowner to lift the door and release whomever is trapped.

Pressure Release - With the door completely open lay a 2x4 flat and close the door. As it hits the 2x4 it ought to sense the pressure and switch direction.

Photo eyes - Be sure the eyes are present on doors that have been installed since 1992 (if the date is known). These eyes should be located near the floor (generally within 4"-6"). With the door lowering, swing your leg or some other object between the photo eyes and the door should reverse.

Wall Button - The button ought to be at least 5 feet above the standing surface and high enough to be out of reach of small children.

Safety Cables - Are the springs restrained by safety cables in case the springs break? If a spring breaks the safety cord will help to keep metal components from flying through the air. Torsion springs will not require these safety cords as the torsion bar works as a containment device.

While these are the primary concerns to assess, be sure that you examine all moving components and the overall door condition.

About the Author

Jim Estrada is an accredited home inspector based in Louisville, Kentucky. His property inspection firm, Property Inspector, LLC, has earned him a reputation for being impartial, exhaustive, and conscientious. He is absolutely qualified to perform traditional residential property inspections for home buyers, sellers, and home-owners. To arrange a property inspection with their organization, just click on this link Garage Doors 101 - Everything A Home Inspector Needs To Have Knowledge Of to drop by our website or give us a calll at (425) 985-3289! For general material on home inspections, also take a look at atlanta home inspectors

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