Decorating a Kitchen - Psychology of Color
Psychologists have studied the influence of color on the mind for years. While they have not found any effects that generalize to every society, they have found that people from the same society are affected by colors in similar ways. Using these findings it is possible to tap into the subconscious of people, and use this information when decorating to create a room that will have positive emotional effects. The following are the general effects of color on the perceptions of Americans, and some tips on how to use these colors to influence the minds of the people in your kitchen positively. These colors may affect you differently, and as such it is important to pay attention to your own tastes above any advice.
The kitchen is a friendly place of taste testing, gathering, talking, and enjoying the company of friends and family. The kitchen is a family room. It is also a creative paradise, where you will design elaborate dishes and taste delights.
The color most often associated with food and ingestion is orange. This color tends to illicit hunger, and could be a great color to use strategically in the kitchen. Adobe serving trays with orange hints could wet the appetites of your guests. Orange is also a color that tends to lift peoples emotions. Strategic orange decorative patterns, or a slight orange tint to the walls, may be a positive idea to reinforce elated emotions in the kitchen. Red can also illicit hunger, but is such a hot color it should be used in small amounts. Dinnerware and utensils that are red may be a nice touch, if done in an understated manner
Blue is the opposite of those colors and it actually represses the urge to eat. There is not very much blue food in nature, and so we have developed a natural aversion to eating when we see it. For that reason you may want to try and maximize the orange and minimize the blue.
In the kitchen black is best avoided as a major theme. This color will actually absorb heat making the room even hotter. The exception is if black is used with white. White will balance the dark color as well as reflect heat making the room slightly colder.
Earth tones are great for kitchens. These colors, such as tans and browns, can create a sense of closeness and warmth. The feeling of ease and belongingness will make the kitchen a room that you can feel safe to create in. It will also ease interaction between the different parties that may gather in there occasionally.
By using colors in a planned manner you can control the undercurrents in a room and influence the nature of interactions in a positive way. Try and find out how you react to the colors. Play with different shades and gauge your reactions. A few hints lighter and a color may go from a beautiful hunger inducer to a sickly mess that will actually detract from the cuisine created.
About the Author
Joey Lewitin is an author, artist, and designer of home décor accessories made from imported stone. Original designs from him and other artisans can be seen at – Beautiful Stone Decor
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