Here's What Happens When You Leave The "Seduction" Out Of Your Selling
Last week, I revealed an embarrasing letter I used to send out when I first got into copywriting, and how I tried to pick up clients with it.
You can see that here:
Anyway, here are the 5 things I did wrong in that letter (there are actually a slew of things I did wrong, these are just the 5 most "apparent" things:
1. Saying "Let's be honest here: That ad isn't working very well for you, is it."
While most people are going to be totally appreciative of your honesty, bluntly slamming someone, and doing it literally in the second sentence of a letter you're sending them...
Is as stupid as walking into a bar, going up to an attractive woman you've never met before, and handing her the keys to your hotel room!
There Was No Foreplay Involved!
Listen, sales is like seduction. And the better you are at romancing your prospects and making them feel relaxed and giving them a good experience, the more likely you're going to make a sale.
No romance... equals no sale.
2. "If it didn't work the first time, why should it work the 17th time?"
At this point, I've given the prospect absolutely no reason at all why he should believe this.
He is NOT aware of direct-response principles... I've showed him no examples... and I've given him no "reason why" sales copy that would lead him to believe the statement I made is true.
You've got to offer compelling "reasons why" for every single statement you make. Otherwise your prospect will NOT believe you.
And no belief... equals no trust... and that also... equals no sale!
3. "And if you will give me a shot at fixing your ad, I'll swear on all that is holy, it will pull MUCH better."
I have NOT defined what "fixing" means... and there is no clear-cut offer here at all.
How much will I charge?
What's in this for me and what do I really want?
In other words, I'm not answering his unspoken objections or concerns. And if you don't answer your prospect's concerns...
No Sale!
4. No Guarantee.
At this point in time, not only have I NOT made any kind of compelling offer, but the prospect has no guarantees against any downside risk on his end. He doesn't know what's going to protect any time or money he may invest in this process.
5. No testimonials.
Testimonials give people more comfort to take action, and I've included none in this letter.
Overall, I just haven't answered he primary question every one of your prospects has:
Why Should I Work With You?
Answer this question above all others in ANY kind of sales copy you're writing. It'll go far towards making your sale.
Tomorrow I'll tell you the one HUGE reason why even if I had done ALL these things, it's very unlikely I would have received ANY kind of response at all.
Now go sell something,
Craig Garber
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About the Author
Craig Garber is America's top direct-response copywriter. Join the ranks of the swelling list of global VIP's who subscribe to his unconventional daily marketing moments, and discover how to seriously crank up your sales at
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