Have A Gout Symptom - Check Your Family History
Discusses how family history might influence gout
Looking for a gout symptom? If you have a family history of the disease, you probably should be. According to several scientific research outlets, more than eighteen percent of people who reported that they had gout had a family history of it. As genetic research continues in our society, we are able to understand how genetics can play a serious role in things like developing a gout symptom. Because some people simply have weaker organs, including kidneys, than other people, that seems to get passed from family member to family member. Combine that with favorite foods of a family that seem to be high in purines, and you have more gout symptoms and signs than you could have ever imagined.
<b>How Does Gout Occur?</b>
Gout begins to occur when the body builds up too much uric acid in the blood. While some uric acid is normal, too much can cause a real problem. The uric acid normally secreted by the body is flushed away through the body's natural filters - the kidneys. Because some people, particularly those with a family history, have weaker kidneys, they cannot filter things as well as one would hope. The result can be your first gout symptom. The uric acid crystallizes and hardens. It settles in a variety of joints in the body causing gout symptom after gout symptom.
There are a number of other causes of gout, but family history seems to be the most prevalent. Some symptoms that you might be experiencing include a painful big toe. This is usually where most first timers experience the gout symptom. Occasionally the toe gets red. Sometimes it gets stiff. You may even notice that it is become inflamed. More than anything, though, you will probably notice it is swollen. It may not seem like a big deal, but it is important to go ahead and see your doctor for a diagnosis, as it is just the first step in this disease.
For information on how to treat your gout without a prescription, visit some of the other articles on this site.
About the Author
Dean Iggo is the webmaster of an arthritis pain reliefwebsite providing arthritis product information and unbiased reviews of popular arthritis remedies.
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