Life Experiment in Wealth and Abundance

by VNinette Wheatley

Copyright 2005 VNinette Wheatley

Earlier in 2005 I had a huge moment of clarity. To help you understand all of this I will have to explain a little about the events of my life in 2004. You see in 2004 starting with $340.00 I ventured out on starting my business of interest and earned from that starting amount over $70K in 2004. You see even though all this had happened so smoothly I allowed myself to stop doing the process that had lead me to realizing amazing cash, flowing swiftly and freely into my life.

The clarity that came to me in 2005 after my rising success began to slip and slide on a downward spiral to what would have become "another one bites the dust" - meaning failure. I had no real idea why things had taken a turn for the worst but it became clear to me when this clarity came to me on that special day. It was at that moment that I knew without a doubt how and why my financial abundance had climbed rapidly and happily in 2004.

I thought up until that moment it was because of something out of my control. I was wrong! This was one of those times when I am so glad that I was wrong because the clarity had shown me why I...why us humans miss out on living out the rest of our lives in the total joy of success, financial success, and total happiness.

Here, I was a part of an experiment in how anyone can and will gain total success in every area of their life. I was a part of an experiment that at the time I didn't realize I was any part of...The moment of truth came in that clarity and the research had been done and completed and here I was being shown by life itself why my success had slid on a fast downward spiral.

I believe the clarity came to me when it did because I had just found another piece of the puzzle and had only ten days earlier began doing what I didn't at that time know was to pull myself up to a greatness more abundant than it had been in 2004. The clarity arrived and told me in reflection where I had failed myself on the path I had taken to create more money in one year than I had ever earned before. I was working a few hours a month and earning amazing money.

Well, I was a part of an experiment orchestrated by the Universe and the same source, the universe, life, God or whatever you want to name it, showed me from the experiences of my past events that I was the source of my own un-doing. I even thought when I had that moment of clarity that I should have continued studying a program I had used prior to my huge financial success. As quickly as I had the thought that I should have continued with that material an answer from within said, "No," assuring me that is not the key element to a lasting life-time of success.

I was told from an inner knowing that the cause of my success had nothing to do with any outside material I had used. It confirmed to me that the key to my amazing fast moving financial climb and enjoyment of luxury cars, good food, life's enjoyments had arisen out of one key element that I had allowed myself to overlook and eventually abandon while I was enjoying my financial wealth and life toys. FOR THE RECORD, I began experiencing amazing results within two weeks as a result to using the key element. The tools are great resources but the key element is the key.

I had been shown why I had undone my success. It wasn't an answer that applied only to me but to every breathing human. My moment of true clarity applies to me, to you and it is the answer to anyone who wants to experience creating an amazing life and income. It doesn't have anything to do with anyone outside of you. I have since receiving this moment of clarity decided to share the key component of how I arrived back on my feet...

I am back on the path and I will disclose in the following content what I had done to arrive at the amazing financial success I had enjoyed in 2004. Since my moment of clarity I have fully gotten back on the right path and enjoying financial wealth, consistently and it's expanding joyfully. This one key element applies to today, tomorrow, next year, ten years from now. The key applies to the rest of each of our individual life. It works forever...

I considered selling my "Life Experiment in Wealth and Abundance" but decided to just offer it to anyone who desires to know how one can successfully enrich every area of your life.

So, below I will detail step-by-step, what I did to get to the amazing income I enjoyed in 2004. I will disclose all the tools I was using to get to where I had arrived successfully. I will disclose the tool I had begun using prior to my moment of clarity... This new tool combined with the tools I had been using to reach the swift success I was experiencing in 2004...This new tool has added amazing power to my financial and desires manifesting success.

I will let you know that I know from living this "Life Experiment in Wealth and Abundance" what was the key to my success. I will even let you in on the most IMPORTANT lesson I learned in my moment of clarity, that not only told me but proved to me why I had taken a backward slide... I will tell you in detail the simple thing that I neglected and it cost me. That's the past now. I am back on track and will remain on track after learning for myself that I, you and everyone of us are co-creating our lives for a good or bad outcome.

Enjoy. I will not guarantee what your experience will be... I am only speaking from my life truth. The experience/experiment in which life, the Universe, showed me the how and why success is attainable by anyone of us. I am on the right path and I know that if I take a backward slide it will only happen because I consciously chose to neglect one of the most important key elements. I now know the key to a life of total success.

I know there are skeptics who want you to prove you walk your talk. I will be happy to disclose to anyone who asks proof that I made the amazing income I refer to above... I have provided my email address at the bottom of this article to answer any questions you have...


As I explained above prior to my amazing financial success I was using a tool that lead to my experiencing financial growth within 2 weeks of adding this to my life. It is identified in the links below as Tool #1.

The other tool that I used on my path to this amazing success is identified below as Tool #2.

The tools that I added and have been using with the other tools has put my financial success on speed. I am experiencing more success in leaps and bounds since adding these tools to my arsenal of tools for creating results. I mean results that put money in your bank account and adds more of life's finer things to your life. These amazing tools are identified as Tool #3 and Tool #4.

At the end, following the success tools links is the "why" to my fast spiral downward from the path of total financial and life successes. You will learn why this came about and how my clarifying moment on this fact aided me on getting back on life's path of abundance. It is the why success grows and grows in every area of life. You will find out this nugget is worth its weight in gold. You will experience for yourself, a steady path of more and more success in staying conscious of this important key element .

I wish a life of amazing abundance to all. I am happy that I was able to share this with all of you.

Tool #1:

Tool #2:

Tool #3:


Tool #5: BONUS: Tools that helped me grow my business.

Tool #6: Visualization Made Easy!

The KEY truth that I neglected and rediscovered to put me back on the path to total success in every area of my life. Yes, we are co-creating our life experiences whether we are conscious of this fact or not. We create our realities. So, without any further delay...I discovered as a result of being a part of an experiment in wealth and abundance that when I stopped using Tool #1, which I used on a daily basis one and sometimes twice a day - my success was growing amazingly. In my moment of clarity, I thought that because I had stopped using Tool #1 that was the reason for my downward spiral but a voice within confirmed to me that it was never because of anything outside myself that my life events turned from joy and positive results to disaster.

The REASON my life experiences had changed and had slid on a downward spiral was because I had returned to the practice of not consciously setting aside the 24 minutes a day to use the tool to focus, intentionally focus on my desires. Tool #1 was originally introduced as a 24 minutes tool. It has since been shortened to an 11 minute tool.

**Let me reiterate that even if I didn't use any tools, the key element to my success in all areas of my life, our lives is to set aside some time each day to (positively) consciously focus/concentrate on our desires. I like to think of this as intentional manifestation of desires. People spend hours watching television, listening to gossip, gloom and doom news but never set aside a few minutes to consciously, on a daily basis, focus on only what they desire. There is no need to focus on anything but what you desire.

You will discover from Tool #4 how to SPEED MANIFEST. I know a name like speed manifest may seem unusual but with this tool and by especially combining it with Tool #3 you will have two tools that create results like the man who went from a few hundred square foot living space to a home bigger than a mansion. It gets even better than just discovering his story and its amazing results... You will uncover the exact daily manifesting process and words that were used to create what may appear as unbelievable success results. Discover the "Alchemy of the Universe" used by Billionaires to achieve their desires. Find out which part of you is the grand DECISION maker and how through these tools you can greatly influence the outcomes you desire. You will discover why if you aren't using the proven process of selective words effectively you are preventing your desires from manifesting into your life, successfully. This discovery alone is worth having Tool #4.

Tool #3: This tool helps ensure you stay focused. You will stay in tune with the key element of total success with this tool.

Tool #4: By utilizing the process and knowledge disclosed in this tool you will almost guarantee whatever desires you are seeking to manifest will show up in your life. It will depend on how precise you are and this tool discloses how to be precise in every manifesting effort to hit the bullseye and achieve success. This is the SCIENTIFIC proof of how and why it all works.

Tool #5: BONUS for anyone looking to grow their business.

So, I have disclosed what was the results of the Universe...or a life lesson showing me from my own experiences why this, how this, and what the key element is to success and joyful life experiences.

About the Author

V. Ninet'te Wheatley; Entrepreneur and successful Manifestation Enthusiast. I am focused on mastering the Laws of Attraction... Copyright, 2005 V. Ninet'te Wheatley

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