Few Handy Tips to Manage Auto- Flowering Pot Plants

by Ankit Gupta

Everyone expects to reap as bigger yield as possible in the minimum amount of time that is why the trend of cultivating auto-flowering plants has caught pace in the last few years. These auto-flowering strains differ in the way they grow. They are comparatively smaller in size and merely take 70-80 days to get harvest ready. The life cycle of these plants is pre-decided therefore, they require special care at every step in order to yield good quality and quantity. Don’t worry if you are a newbie, maintaining these “little wonders” is not a very big deal. For your convenience, we have compiled a list of tips for the beginners to get the most out of their auto-flowering strains easily.

Don’t Compromise With the Quality:

In order to generate the maximum from your plant, you have to make sure that the seeds you are buying are processed and packed under the ideal level of temperature and humidity content. If you want to ensure high seed germination then drop the plan of picking up any random cheap pack of seeds and go for the company that upholds the position of delivering quality products in the market.

Check the Size of Pot:

The size of the pot plays a very crucial role in deciding the fate of your plant. Usually, a 7-liter pot is considered perfect for the growth of the seed but a 15-liter pot will return you maximum yields and guarantee faster germination. You Can Find Planting Pots manufacturers and suppliers on the website http://home-supplies.exportersindia.com/planting-pots.htm

Ensure Proper Environmental Conditions:

The real game begins here, ensuring proper environmental conditions is where most of the amateur gardeners fail miserably. Make sure that humidity level is near 80% when the seed is nurturing and shift the levels between 55-70% once the plants reach the vegetative stage. Beginners find it difficult to balance the humidly level initially but once you learn the trick, the battle is almost won.

Do not Over Water:

Overwatering is the worst thing you can do to your little friend. When you overwater your plant the roots feel suffocated and fail to carry the essential nutrients required by the plant to bloom. The lack of nutrients impedes the growth of the pip and blocks the whole cycle.

Proper Sunlight is the Key:

A regular auto-flowering plant requires more amount of light compared to their photoperiod-determined counterparts. The ideal duration to plant an auto-flowering strain is in June so that it could obtain the best light intensity and photoperiod to nourish. A very important note for the beginners- don’t put a small plant in the direct exposure of bright sunlight; keep the exposure less when the plant is at its initial stage, then increase the light as it develops.

Give Air to the Roots:

Sometimes, watering regularly and proper sunlight is not enough for the maximum growth of the plant. The leaves and stems might require carbon dioxide to grow, but the roots absorb oxygen to nurture, that’s why use the airiest structure for your plants. Use the right mix of perlite or Coco noir to provide the required oxygen to the roots. Both the techniques will help the roots to grow strong by nurturing them internally.

Don’t Try to Transplant:

Though you always have the option to re-pot your auto-flowering strain but try to finish the harvesting in the same pot, as replacing might disturb the growing process. It is recommended to use a 1.5-liter pot, for the whole cycle if you want to ensure maximum growth of your little seed.

Beginners, keep in mind that the growing process of auto-flowering plants is quite different from the regular plants but the proper care can return you abundant yield that too at very affordable prices. So, what are you waiting for, incorporate these tips in your planting methods and obtain the most from your hanging flower pots. You can find flower plants manufacturers and suppliers list on the website http://home-supplies.exportersindia.com/garden-accessories/flowers_and_plant.htm

About the Author

Ankit Gupta, The author of this article is big name in the writing industry,He is in the writing field since 2007 and written articles on various topics like gardening,agriculture,planting,fishing and more.

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