This FREE information is very valuable to your online success. For further training please subscribe to my training course for a more in depth way of marketing your site by sending a blank email to:
sign up at to my FREE internet marketing course at:
Step 1: Join a high commission based affiliate program. I recommend SFI as this is the most respected high paying affiliate program on the internet and it is FREE to join (if you are already a member of an affiliate program just use the information in this article for that affiliate program).
Join SFI FREE at:
Step 2: First of all get FREE traffic from traffic exchanges. These are easy to use and all you have to do is surf for 10 to 15 minutes a day. I recommend the follow two exchanges; Traffic swarm and toolbar traffic;
Traffic swarm: Join FREE
Toolbar traffic: Join FREE
Add your affiliate sales and referral URL’s to these exchanges. I get about 300 hits per day to my websites through traffic swarm and this exchange is responsible for nearly 50 % of my downline signups.
Step 3: Run your referral URL for your affiliate program through a viral marketing program. These are free to join too I recommend the following viral marketing sites to use;
Viral mailing, email 250,000 opt-in subscribers free Join Free
For optimum results on your viral mailing program you have permission to use my viral message article. Simply type in “HOW TO MAKE MONEY WITH FREE VIRAL MARKETING” into the google search engine, you will find this article in a number of different article directories, just copy and paste this article where the instructions in the article ask you too.
Free viral, 1,000,000 hits to your website Free: Join FREE
You can also add the viral marketing URL’s to the traffic exchanges you joined earlier.
Step 4: Write an article advertising your referral URL of your affiliate program. Try to write a how to guide on some subject involved in internet marketing and put your referral URL on the bottom of the article.
Step 5: Type in article directories into the google search engine. Now start submitting your article in step 4 to article directories, do not stop until you have submitted the article to at least 70 directories.
You can ask any internet marketing expert and they will tell you that their articles are the main reason for their success.
Step 6: You are now in a very strong position to start making some excellent profits with your affiliate program. Now before your downlines start flooding in setup an email autoresponder for your sub affiliates.
Go to and setup 20 messages based on a success guide for your affiliate program. If you joined SFI earlier show them some great articles advertising certain products and tell your signups to use the articles for marketing purposes (there are plenty of articles in the SFI website).
Not only will you gain your downlines trust by giving them great techniques to advertise their sales but some of the very competitive services might be of interest to them and this is where you make money through commissions.
(ISP service, only $14.95 per month, Unlimited landline phone calls within the USA for $49.95 per month, Domains for only $2.70 a month and extremely affordable deadly disease preventing vitamin and anti- oxidant supplements).
You are welcome to have a look and my SFI Veruini store for a more in depth look at the competitiveness of their products at:
Step 7: From now on write one article per week. Write maybe one week a piece on one of your products, then the next week a piece on the benefits of your viral marketing site and so on and so on.
Each week follow steps 4 and 5. The purpose of doing this is to get lots of free hits to your websites and if you continue to do this you will start to obtain expert status on the internet.
Congratulations! You now have successfully marketed your affiliate program more effectively than over 98% of worldwide affiliates. You are now well on the way to profits from the comfort of your own home.
Best wishes and good luck
About the Author
My name is Luke Goodin. I am a chef by day and online marketer by night. I believe that the essence of business is the effort invested and the effectiveness of its marketing program.
Check out my amazing money making site that you can have setup for you for FREE today at:
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