Sudoku Village Daily Puzzles # 446, dated 17 January, 2008

by Richard Runion

Here is your today’s Sudoku: . The difficulty level is “Medium”. You may access today’s Sudoku puzzle in a printable format at: .

This is the day’s solution (No peeking till you’ve finished - Code: sudokuvillagexrma): . I’m sure you should enjoy trying the Sudoku puzzle of today.

Just in case you are not already aware, Sudoku Village is a Sudoku enthusiasts’ forum - one that conducts an immensely popular web-based Sudoku solving competition, every day. The ‘Daily Sudoku Puzzle Contest‘ began 04/18/2006, and has so far been running each day. Players shall be 18 years of age or more to play in it. Taking part is free of charge, and it carries a Cash prize of $5, which will be credited into the account of the successful participant via PayPal. The one who solves the puzzle correctly in less than the shortest REASONABLE time would be awarded the prize. Every contestant may win at most, once weekly.

Sudoku puzzles in the ‘Daily Sudoku Puzzle Contest‘ may be of varying difficulty levels. Simple, Evil, or anything in between, however one may call various levels of these puzzles. Every one of the puzzles must be tried online (and must not be cracked otherwise than online and copied onto the puzzle in the competition url). Answering a Sudoku puzzle in a fair time required to crack it will be reckoned as a sign that the contestant might have employed unfair means to crack the puzzle and such participants could be disqualified. Those who cheat may not be considered for the Contest - the full rules & regulations should explain how this may be done.

Kindly read the regulations of the competition before entering.

See you tomorrow with a new Sudoku puzzle thru newsletter, and a fresh challenge Sudoku.

Here’s to a happier Sudoku experience!

About the Author

Richard J. Runion is the President of Geostar Publishing & Services LLC, and has published several eBooks on Sudoku and runs a free forum for Sudoku lovers. Rich loves net research & blogging. His new blog on Free Daily Sudoku Village Puzzles Through email is fast becoming popular, and can be viewed at:

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