Methods in Use for Penis Enhancement and Improvement

by Knut Holt

Sometimes men want to enlarge their penis. Some men may want this because they have a too small penis to be able to stimulate themselves and their partners optimally during sexual activities. Other men may have a normal penile size, but feel a larger penis will make them look better or maximize their physical pleasure. Still other men want to get rid of excessive penile curvatures or penile irregularities. A large number of men have tried to improve their penis with different methods, and many of these report positive results. Here are some practical penis development methods presented, and an assessment of each method is given.- Penis enhancement pills: These pills contain herbal ingredients that have been used for a long time in many cultures for sexual improvement. One effect of these pills is a better blood circulation in the genital zone, resulting in a greater penile engorgement and practical penile size. They also contain herbal ingredients that stimulate tissue growth and development, giving a longer and thicker penis from increased tissue mass. The ingredients of penis pills will also give some of these effects on the whole body, giving a general enhanced vitality. There are many reports of positive user results for some of these products. However, there are many products in the market, and not every of these has equal positive references.- Penile enhancement patches: These are patches to be fasted near the penile base. They contain the same working ingredients as the pills, but they will not have effect outside the genital region. If one already is taking herbal medicines with a vitalizing effect, patches is a good choice to avoid getting a too great general doze of stimulating substances to the whole body. As for the pills, some of these products can show positive user reports.- Erection oil: Erection oils are ointment or balms to be applied on the penile head before the sexual act. They make the erections larger and longer lasting and thus increase the effective size of the penis for the duration of the sexual act. They also lubricate the penis to make intercourse smoother. They contain herbal ingredients that stimulate the filling of blood into the penis. As for the penis pills, some of these products can show positive user reports.- Erection pills: These pills make the blood flow to the penis more effective and stimulates the filling of blood into the penis, and thus make the practical size of the penis larger. Erection pills takes longer time to give effect that erection oils, but the effect of the pills last for many hours. Also some of these products can show positive user reports.- Penis traction devices: These are light-weighted mechanical devices that are gently pulling on the penis to be worn some hours each day. The gentle traction will stretch the penile tissue longer, and also induce cell proliferation to give real increase in penile mass. The cell proliferation also makes the penis somewhat thicker. These devices can also improve penile shape, for example making the penis straighter. They can therefore be used to alleviate penile disconfiguration, as for example by Peyronie¨s disease. Traction devices of good mechanical quality can show positive user references. Many users report that the devices are very effective to increase penis length. Users also report increase in penile thickness, but not as easily as increase in length.- Penis weights: These are weights hanged on the penis and worn for some hours a day. As with a traction device, gentle traction will induce cell proliferation and penile growth. However, most men will probably find them impractical in use, and the traction will not only have an effect in the penis, but also in the rest of the groin area. This spread traction effect is not good. - Penis exercises: In some of these exercises one is pulling at the penis in different manners for some time, and thus one is gradually stretching the penis longer. The exercises have to be performed each day for a long time to be effective. It is also necessary to control the pulling strength very well to achieve an effect, and at the same time to avoid hurting the penis. In other exercises one uses the muscles in the intimate zone to improve the physiological function of the penis and the surrounding intimate organs. It is difficult to find persons reporting positive results by exercises alone, but many users report that a combination of a herbal product and exercises have a very good effect.- Penile surgery: Penile surgery does not really increase the amount of penile tissue. Some of the penis is normally hidden under the skin just above the scrotum and under the scrotum. By this surgery, some of these penile parts are cut free so that a greater part of the penis comes out in the air. To make the penis thicker, fat is sometimes injected under the penile skin. This method definitely give a result, but the method will result in a penis placed somewhat further down than originally, it can make the penis unstable, and fat injection can disturb the penile shape. Some men having had surgery will not recommend it because of negative side effects.Vacuum devices: Vacuum devices typically consist of a pump, a cylinder to be places over the penis and a tube connecting the cylinder to the pump. Air is pumped out of the cylinder, and the penis is then pumped up and stretched in all directions because of the under-pressure inside the cylinder. As with penis exercises, the degree of vacuum, and thereby the stretching, must be controlled very cautiously in order to get an effect without hurting the penis. Some men report positive results with this method.

About the Author

Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. Please visit his web-site for natural medicines against common diseases, for eksample: Over-weight, acne, eczema, hypothyroidism, fatigue, depression, hemorrhoids, joint pain, hypertention, high cholesterole, circulatory problems, digestive ailments, allergies, menstrual problems, respiratory diseases and more: to reprint as long as the authors name and his link follow.

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