Five Easy Ways to Break Into Copywriting

Haven't had a bestseller yet? Pay the bills by being a copywriter!

by Mike Chen

Five Easy Ways Into Copywriting By Mike Chen

We know how you are. You’ve got the greatest story of all time stuck in your head. You’ve mapped out the ups and downs of a dramatic roller coaster piece of fiction, complete with juicy characters and a blind-siding unexpected twist. You’ve also got a huge stack of bills piling up next to your keyboard and a checking account on fumes.

Ah, the glories of being a professional writer. It’s quite exciting, isn’t it?

Fret not dear writer, you don’t have to become a secretary or a waiter to make the rent. In fact, you can use all of the same tools you currently employ in your trade-that is, your brain and your keyboard.

Welcome to the world of commercial copywriting. It’s not exactly glamorous-it won’t make the New York Times bestseller or get you national recognition as the top journalist in the industry-but it does make ends meet. As a bonus, many places allow you to telecommute so you can still get good hours in writing your bestseller.

That’s great, you’re thinking, but how do I get a job writing a marketing brochure or a grant proposal? I can’t use my freelance journalism or short stories to advertise myself! True, true, but the steps are easier than you might think. Here are five easy ways to get yourself started on your career in commercial copywriting.

1: Don’t be afraid to charge nothing. People love the word “free.” Why do you think 50 people fight for a free t-shirt at sporting events? The shirt may have an ugly logo and be made of shoddy material, but it’s free, darn it! You’ll get the same response when you offer your services for free, but you’ll also get a beautiful portfolio piece and a nice contact to boot. Try hooking up with freelance graphic designers who could use some help writing web content or ad copy. Chances are, they’ll appreciate the work and be more than happy to accommodate you. Boom, instant portfolio pieces.

2: Non-profits are your friends. Non-profit groups run on little-to-no budgets. They also provide a variety of great services that make this world a better place to live in. Many non-profits will list volunteer opportunities on their websites. Often times, this will include marketing writing and grant writing. You’ll be able to write brochures and fund raising pieces in no time by volunteering for a non-profit. Great clips and a chance to make the world better; who could pass that up?

3: Network, network, network. Writers are a sympathetic bunch. We also LOVE to write or talk about ourselves, so you’ll generally find us more than happy to give you as much advice as you need. This helps you in two ways: one, you’ll find some (hopefully nice) folks who were once in your position and can give you some words of wisdom, and two, you’ll be making contacts with someone who may pass along work when he or she is overbooked.

4: Create your clips. Got a hobby? Great, why not make a website about it? Basic websites are easy to create using templates from programs such as Microsoft Frontpage. Once you’ve got the layout template chosen, use your web page to show off your new web writing skills. No potential employer has to know that it’s your creation. All they’ll see is a nice piece of copywriting for a web page. Don’t worry, we won’t tell them your secret.

5: Don’t give up. If you’re a freelance journalist, you know the pains of querying over and over and over again. You probably also remember the endless line of rejected articles taking up your hard drive. Unfortunately, this field works the same way. Once you’ve assembled a reasonable portfolio, start plugging away at getting some copywriting work. Like any new venture, you’ll run into some walls, but don’t give up. You’ll find that once you get the ball rolling, your desk will soon be filled with offers. Keep your chin up and a smile on your face and you’ll get there.

Copywriting is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It’s not easy and it does take some work. But the work is steadier and pays better than constantly trying to sell freelance articles or hoping for a monster book deal. When the stress of rent and bills is alleviated, your mind will be free to weave the world’s next bestseller.

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About the Author

About the author: Mike Chen is a San Francisco Bay Area-based freelance writer and consultant with diverse experience in copywriting, technical writing, and journalism. His articles on business, music, and sports have been regularly published for years and he is the author of 6 Methods For Marketing Your Small Business Online (available at His writing portfolio can be viewed at Email for questions, comments, or copywriting estimates.

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