10 Facts To Improve Your Article Writing - Part 2 Of 2
When I first started out writing articles, I had many questions. Because I didn’t know anyone on the Internet, I had no one to ask. In this two part series, I’ve tried to answer many of the questions that new article marketers may have.
Use high-ranking keywords in your title as well as your article. Keyword optimized articles get much better rankings from the search engines than articles that are not keyword optimized.
Article marketing is here to stay (hopefully). If it is not, I’m in big trouble because almost all of my marketing efforts rely on articles. For each article you write, design a targeted resource box. Do not use the same resource box for every article you write. If your article discusses autoresponders, place some autoresponder links in your resource box. Longer titles trend to attract more page views. I’m not exactly sure why this is true. But, given this information, you should not shy away from a title because you think that it is too long.
Having a website (or blog) will make doing business much easier. You can more easily sell your own products, you can use the payment processor of your choice, you can use pre-sale pages, etc. You have many more ways to be successful if you have your own website or blog.
When you begin to bring in some money, reinvest a portion of the proceeds back into your business. I usually recommend that you re-invest half your profits unless you are making over $1,000 per month.
When writing an article, always keep your reader in mind. Write for your readers, they are the people who will eventually make you successful.
Write an attention grabbing title that compels the viewer to read further. Your title is the advertising for your article. Without a compelling title, nothing happens and business stands still. Be timeless with your articles; write articles that will still be relevant in a year. There are many articles around that were written a year or more ago. Don’t date your articles. A timeless business article can be just as relevant next year (if your techniques still work). Learn enough to become the expert in your field. Learn everything you can about your particular niche. People will come to respect your opinion and it will improve your business.
Do you want to learn more about how I make money? I have just completed a Free ebook that tells you How To Make Money Every Day!
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Make Money Writing – It’s easier than you think! http://www.WriteEbooksAndMakeMoney.com
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