Johnny Heartache or the Songwriter's Guide to Music City

by Mitchell Jon MacKay

In POD paperback format, 360 pages, a 10-year study on the music business of Nashville, Tennessee, fiction/faction interspersed with non-fiction, characterizations based on real people and places, replete with dialogue and historical information about Music City much too extensive to list. This book is available through by typing the title for search through Google, or may be accessed through personal contact with me at the email address listed above. Artworks throughout the book also illustrate the life and times of the author and attendant drama in perpetuity though a time capsule of the 1980s is featured along with the entire history of Country Music. Prepared for the budding songwriter of folk, country, and popular song, all economics and business procedures inclusive.

About the Author

M J MacKay is a trained artist and musician, an autonomous writer with two books published, TV talk and entertainment show experience, extensive entertainment background and with many one-man fine art shows nationwide. The Renaissance ideal is paramount.

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