8 Simple Trick To Help You Stay Away From Cancer

by wency

Studies have shown that up to 40 percent of cancers are caused by unhealthy lifestyles, such as smoking, overeating, do not love sports. Graham Cancer Center tumor scientist Gregory Masters said: "The vast majority of lung cancer is related to smoking, most skin cancers are related to sun exposure. The gene in which only played a relatively small role - perhaps 10-15%.Therefore, to develop a healthy lifestyle to reduce your risk of cancer is the most effective way. " 1. Quit Smoking Strictly nike free Studies have shown that smoking causes 30 percent of cancer deaths, especially lung cancer. And quitting smoking is key to preventing various forms of cancer. According to the study published in the magazine "American Medical Association," in 2010 pointed out, smokers smoke reduce from 20 to 10 or less per day, lung cancer risk can be reduced by 27%. 2. Attention Weight According to the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) data, excess fat increased risk for nine cancer, including esophageal cancer, kidney cancer and gallbladder. In addition, according to AICR estimates, in the US, there are 120,000 cases of cancer each year should be attributed to weight gain. toms schuhe Dr. Patricia Ganz recommend the University of California, Los Angeles, to learn constantly concerned about their weight, once the digital scales is starting to rise, you must take action. Need to let your BMI index below 25. 3. Vigorous Exercise At Least 30 Minutes A Week The American Cancer Society recommends, should remain moderate exercise150 minutes per week (or 75 minutes vigorous activity). 2010 study published in the "Nutrition and Cancer" magazine's findings, only do physical exercise 30 minutes a week, it is enough to stop women suffering from breast cancer decreased by 35%."Sport has a strong protective effect, in addition to maintaining a normal body weight, but also help the body reduce inflammation. This in turn can inhibit the body can cause cancer cells. "Dr. Ganz said. 4. Alcoholics As Far As Possible air max Alcohol is one of several cancer culprit, Including the mouth, larynx, liver, colon and breast cancer. Although the exact cause is not known, But the researchers believe, alcohol may damage body tissue. For example, in the inside of the colon, the bacteria can be transformed into a large amount of alcohol, acetaldehyde, the latter is known carcinogenic chemicals. For women, alcohol can cause estrogen levels soar, thereby increasing the risk of breast cancer. The American Cancer Society recommends, women daily alcohol consumption should not exceed 1 cup. For the sake of the body, alcohol should be better. 5. Eat Broccoli Cruciferous vegetables, especially broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, etc., Rich in a chemical called glucosinolates, when it can be broken down during digestion into isothiocyanate salt, It has significant anti-cancer effect. A study published in the "gynecologic oncology" on discovery in 2000, this compound will reduce the growth of abnormal cells in the human cervix. In addition, tomato and eggplant is a good anti-cancer vegetables air max schweiz. 6. Smear Sunscreen During Out Door Women aged 18-39 years are most likely to grow melanoma, this is the most deadly form of skin cancer--In the past 40 years, the incidence of the disease rose by 80%.While a bottle of sunscreen can reduce the risk. A study published in the "Journal of Clinical Oncology," in 2010 show that, those who swear sunscreen every day can halve the risk of melanoma. Therefore, even in the winter and on cloudy days, you’d better applied more than SPF15 sunscreen, Also, try to avoid going out between 10:00 to 16:00, at this time the sun's ultraviolet radiation is most intense. 7. Relax Stress itself could not cause cancer, but it will change the body's environment, so that precancerous lesions more visible. A study in 2013 by the Ohio State University found that, chronic stress can evoke immune cells by a state of war, thereby altering cell activity, if the long-term high levels of cytokines can lead to inflammation, causing mutations in cancer cells. Therefore, try to give your body reduce pressure, Such as yoga, listen to soft music, do not view the e-mail and other work after 19:00. 8. Regular Medical Examinations Examination may not be able to help prevent cancer, but it can remind doctors pay attention to early warning signs of certain cancers. 40-year-old woman before breast examination should be conducted every three years, after the 40-year-old to do breast examination once a year, including breast X-rays; At the same time, do a Pap smear or TCT examination every three years. In addition, both men and women should begin colon cancer screening at age 50. Have a family history should undergo a medical examination earlier. The following symptoms of cancer signal should draw attention to, If found yourself discomfort following signals or related symptoms of cancer should be timely treatment: a.Surface or superficial palpable mass increases. b. Persistent digestive abnormalities, or upper abdominal fullness after eating. c. Sternum discomfort when swallowing food and even choking feeling stems. d. Persistent cough, bloody sputum. e. Tinnitus, hearing loss, epistaxis, nasopharyngeal secretions blood. f. Fecal occult blood, blood in the stool, hematuria. g. Persistent ulcers. h. Moles, warts short-term increase, deeper color, hair removal, itching, ulceration and so on. i. Unexplained weight loss.

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