Soap Making Oils For Creating Your Own Specialty Soaps

by Dave Cushion

Do you want to give your handmade soaps that uniqueness that others will marvel at? Want to create soap for special needs like moisturizing?

Then, you need to understand the various soap making oils and learn what they can do for your soap. To get you started, let's take a look at some very poplular ingredients that you can use to make your soap extra special.

Avocado Oil...

Avocado oil is produced by mashing the pulp of the avocado fruit. This oil is a good choice for making moisturizing soaps.

Coconut Oil...

This oil is the partially solid fat obtained from the flesh of coconuts. It affects the hardness and amount of lather in the soap, but can be drying to the skin.

Olive Oil...

Olive oil is harvested from olives by pressing them and then using solvent extaction. Soap made with olive oil tend to be extremely hard, but are mild for your skin. These soaps tend to produce a lot of lather and last a long time.

Vitamin E Oil...

Many people like this oil for facial soap in that it prevents wrinkles by soothing and contributing to regeneration of skin.

Palm Kernel Oil...

This oil is harvested from the kernels of the palm tree, thus the name. Soap made using this oil will be mild and have a rich lather.

Palm Oil...

Similar to Palm Kernel Oil, this oil is actually harvested from the pulp of the palm fruit. More common than Palm Kernel Oil, it produces a finish that is soft, mild and has a rich lather.

Almond Oil...

Almond oil is used as an emollient because of its ability to soften the skin. Extracted from almond nuts, this oil also has a nice, sweet fragrance.

Okay, that should give you a few soap making tips that you can use to make great soap.

There are many, many really neat oils available for creating very special kinds of soap. By learning about the various ingredients you can make your own unique soap have the exact charateristics you want.

Just remember...

You could be making your own favorite soap right now. Make it for yourself... or make it for beautiful, unique gifts for family and friends.

If you're in a hurry to learn much, much more about all the unique oils you can use to make your soap, check out soap making oils at for more expert information on creating wonderful soap products.

About the Author

Dave Cushion makes it easy for you to begin making your own beautiful hand-crafted soap. Learn the 7 essential keys to beginning your soap making craft. To receive your free 8-part mini-course visit:

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