Why Adjustable Dumbells Are Part Of Any Balanced Fitness plan

Balanced Fitness plan

by Paul Johnson

Dumbbell exercise is a key component of every balanced exercise and fitness regime. Finding the right dumbbells for your own specific fitness program is important and that is why adjustable dumbbells are ideal.

Adjustable dumbbells allow you to save space and time during weight training sessions meaning that you can purchase a set for your own personal dumbbell exercizes at home or you can find a set at the gym and use those.

Adjustable dumbbells are even more desirable because you don't have to purchase a large set of dumbbells in order to change weight increments so your weights can change as your increase your strength.

With adjustable dumbbells you can adjust the dumbbells in five pound increments to increase or decrease the weight according to the dumbbell workouts you need to do.

To make the increase or decrease in the dumbbell weights for your dumbbell workout, you merely need to turn a dial that is situated on the side of the dumbbells.

In order to add or release weight plates in adjustable dumbbells in the correct way, you should position the bar and weight plates in the tray where you can then position the dial to the contoured end of the tray.

This ensures that you are changing the weights safely and effectively so when you are actually using the dumbbells, you are able to turn the dial counter-clockwise to release weights and clockwise to increase weights during your workout.

This is ideal because it means that you can adjust your workout according to what kind of challenge level you are looking for in your workout. The real benefit comes with the fact that you can change these dumbbells every day if you want to.

Adjustable dumbbells are widely available for purchase from fitness stores in your local area or from online catalogs over the Internet. Online companies and fitness stores that have their own website will quite often offer fitness equipment at well below retail.

Sometimes you can even have your dumbbell system sent directly to your home with free shipping, depending on how much you spend.

Two of the best brands of adjustable dumbbells are ProBell and Hex. ProBell offers a dumbbell system that sits on a high-impact nylon storage tray. Its plates are zinc dye cast and are coated to deliver long term durability. Hex dumbbells are also made from high quality iron casting that is very durable over time.

So make adjustable dumbells part of your balanced fitness routine. =========================================================== Find out why dumbbells are the best type of free weight exercises. Get reviews and useful information. Click ==> http://www.dumbells-info.com/

About the Author

Paul Johnson works tech support for New York based Internet Publishing company, DigiLectual Inc. He uses Dumbell workouts as part of his overall, balanced fitness workouts.

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