Cash from Your Camera – 6 Easy Steps by Making Money Selling Photos to Magazines

by Wayne Turner

One of the most accessible markets to freelance photographers is the magazine or publishing market. With so many titles scattered across the world you aren’t limited to a single language magazine. Most editors are looking for fresh new styles of photos so you are always in with a chance if your images are really good quality. Many professionals have used magazines as their springboard to success so here is how to make it yours.

1. Your personal key to success

Understand the needs of your chosen market. If you’ve decided to submit your portfolio of vintage car images then you need to work out fast which ones are saleable. Know your area of expertise and which images you would potentially find in a vintage car magazine. If you have doubts, you can be sure the editor will have too. So find out what the market needs and supply the demand.

2. Shoot within your area of expertise

Don’t ever shoot images in an area that you know nothing about. This is a recipe for disaster. If you are a stamp collector or an interior designer then you know what works and what doesn’t. Magazines are very specific and editors don’t just fill spaces with general images. If you can write a good article to go with a series of images then you stand an even better chance of inclusion. Think like an editor and then think like a reader to see if you would find your images interesting.

3. Understand the magazine guidelines

Every magazine has a series of guidelines for submissions, many of them can be found on the publications website. If they aren’t then drop an email to the editor requesting them. Guidelines are there for a reason so stick to them. Editors don’t like it when people try to beat the system. If your images meet their guidelines then your chances rise in getting them published and making money.

4. Start with magazines you know

This is similar to point two. Not only should you work in the area of your expertise but start with magazine you already know or subscribe to. This will give you an advantage because you know the format, articles and the way the editor thinks. There will be subjects that you would be interested in finding out about so research it and present the images to the editor. Again, as I have said before, if you are able to write an accompanying article you will increase your chances of getting published.

5. Stick with quality

The market is exceptionally competitive which the editors have a wide selection of images to choose from. Yours need to have the extra wow factor to catch an editor’s eye. So concentrate on submitting only your best shots. Quality is everything as the editor already has quantity. The more sub-standard you submit the more will be rejected. It’s not a numbers game.

6. One chance to make a good first impression

You only get one chance to make the important first impression with an editor so only submit your very best images. If it means fewer images then don’t compromise and send any that aren’t up to scratch just to make up the numbers. It won’t work and the editor will see through you immediately. If he doesn’t have any use for them this time, if they are high quality you can be sure that he will be looking out for you next. He may even contact you and commission you to do similar images on a different theme.

So here’s a plan of action for you:

a. Make a list of magazines you read as potential buyers. b. Find other potential magazines that fit into your areas of expertise. c. Get their submission guidelines from their website or email them. d. Look through your existing images to see if any will suit them. e. Create a shot list of images you could take to submit. f. Select magazines that you can submit to and send off your images.

Don’t be despondent when your images are rejected or not used. If they are quality photos it could just be that you submitted them at a time when the editor had no need for them. Continue to submit and be prepared for many more rejections. If you are prepared to wait it out you will get your foot in the door at some stage. Remember that you are not going to get rich quick but you will make a living and more importantly, make a name for yourself as a good photographer.

About the Author

For a free report on how to make cash from your camera go to Do you want to learn more about photography in a digital world? I've just completed a brand new e-course delivered by e-mail. Download it here for free by clicking here:

Wayne Turner has been teaching photography for 25 years and has written three books on photography.

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