4 Hot Tips To Improve Your Skateboard Skills

by William Jason

Many new skateboarders seem to get stuck in a rut and never progress past an intermediate level. While a great deal of skateboarding is based on athletic ability and talent, many skateboarders can ratchet up their skill level by following a few of these simple tips.

You aren't as good as you think you are

Accept that you aren't as good as you think you are. I see way too many beginners and decent skateboarders who think they are God's gift to skating. They are cocky and truly believe they have mastered the sport. While its fun to laugh at these posers, don't become one of them. A humble skater can become a great skater.

When you can finally admit your weaknesses, you can begin to work on them and improve. Don't be afraid to work on these weaknesses over and over again until they become strengths. It will take a lot of courage and practice, but you won't get any better without putting in the hard work.

Watch and learn

One of the easiest ways to learn new tricks is to watch and learn. While it can be awe inspiring for a beginner to watch a skilled boarder do a perfect trick, you need to stop staring with your jaw open. Watch their fundamentals and think about how you can translate those movements when you are performing your tricks.

Be patient

Of course patience is essential for any good skateboarder. If you want to learn how to do a difficult trick like a 360 flip, it is going to take many spills and a ton of practice before you can land it perfectly. Once you accept that nothing comes easy in this sport, only then will you progress further.

Skate with those better than you

Don't be intimidated to skate with people who are more talented than you. Most skate rats are generally cool people and will gladly help you out. Not only can you watch and learn new tricks, but better skaters can help you work on your fundamentals and offer important advice you can't get from less talented friends.

Becoming a good skater takes time and a lot hard work. The best skaters in the world have put in thousands of hours of practice, and started at the bottom just like you. Don't get discouraged and keep trying to push your limits. Then before you know it, you will be the one everyone is seeking skating advice from!

About the Author

William Jason is a world traveler and loves to write on dozens of topics. He is currently publishing a travel blog you can visit at http://backpackwithwheels.net

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