Visit Family Dentist St Louis for Gum Disease

by petersmithcarol

Gum disease is common in people with fibromyalgia for several reasons. Far too often, it may simply be that people with fibromyalgia have so many health issues to deal with that early warning signs of gum disease are ignored. The fibromyalgia also makes the person much more subject to chronic dry mouth, which can aggravate plaque build-up, the greatest source of gum disease. So, sad to say, the people are at greater risk of developing gum disease than people who do not have fibromyalgia. One needs to be vigilant to stay ahead of this serious problem and visit the Family Dentist St Louis or dentist as soon as possible.

Before one learn more about what causes gum disease and how to avoid it, let's discuss how to determine whether the person have it. There are specific signs that go along with gum disease. Most people know little about these warning signs or when to seek treatment. Following are some questions to ask oneself to determine whether he or she have periodontal (gum) disease: Do the gums bleed while brushing or flossing? Does the person have bad breath? Do the person’s teeth appear to have spaces between them that were not there before? Do the person’s teeth have swollen gums or notice any pus around them? Do areas of the person’s teeth gums appear red and feel tender to the touch? Does the person’s teeth bite seem changed so that the teeth don't fit or come together evenly? Do the person’s teeth get an itchy feeling on the gums?

Put very simply, gum disease is an infection of the bone and tissues that support the teeth. There are millions of bacteria present in the mouth at all times. While many oral bacteria are harmless, some can attack gum and teeth and cause disease. The harmful bacteria thrive in a clear film that accumulates on the teeth and gums, called plaque. If plaque is not removed thoroughly on a daily basis but instead is left unchecked, it will destroy bone and connective tissue, resulting in teeth become loose and ultimately might need to be pulled. Gum disease is related to age less than people think and is the most frequent cause of losing teeth. Why is someone with fibromyalgia prone to developing gum disease? As plaque build up is the most frequent cause of gum disease, and plaque builds up more aggressively due to dry mouth—a common, daily problem among many people with fibromyalgia. Other causes of gum disease include poor diet, poor oral hygienic etc. it is important to visit the family dentist st louis in order to solve this problem effectively.

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