Colon Cleansing Herbs - 3 Powerful Colon Cleansing Herbs You Probably Haven't Heard About
Information About Colon Cleansing Herbs
So why would you be interested in colon cleansing herbs? Internal cleansing is a great way to improve not only your digestive health, but your overall health as well. The key to a successful colon cleanse is to choose a product that will work as advertised. The best way to do this is to choose an all natural, herbal, colon cleansing system. These systems will use different herbs in varying amounts, but they will all have at least one of the following three herbs in their proprietary blends.
The first, and most common of the colon cleansing herbs by far, is called psyllium husk. Psyllium husk is ground up and is the main ingredient in many colon cleansing products. This herb is not broken down by the digestive process. This allows it to cleanse the colon as it passes through. It acts like a scrub brush along the walls of the colon, removing the accumulated debris as it passes through.
Another common herb used in colon cleansing is a derivative from the senna leaf. Senna has been used to treat constipation for hundreds of years. This laxative effect is the reason senna is included in many colon cleansers. Regularity is an important component in many colon cleanse programs because if a person is able to move their bowels more frequently they are able to introduce the cleansing agent into the colon more frequently.
Turkey Rhubarb is another common colon cleansing ingredient. The turkey rhubarb is a sort of combination herbal treatment in that it promotes regularity as well as assists in reducing symptoms of gas and bloating.
As you can see there are many colon cleansing herbs that will assist in detoxifying the body. The best reason to purchase an all natural colon cleanser is that the company has combined the herbs in a way to help you realize the maximum benefit possible from these herbs.
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