Acne - Natural Problem With a Natural Cure

by Sarah Rhodes

Not only is acne a physical condition, a psychological component is present as well. Acne sufferers can experience, behavioral problems, academic decline, social isolation, substance abuse, depression, even suicide. Teenagers are more vulnerable in this respect because both acne and depressive disorder have a peak incidence during adolescence. Although acne is not a life-threatening disease, appropriate management is vital to its successful resolution.

The symptoms of acne are persistent, recurrent pimples orblemishes on the skin. Acne is commonly foundon the face but can also occur on the chest, shoulder, neck and upper portion of the back (often referred to as bacne).

Tetracycline is the most common antibiotic used for treating acne. It reduces inflammation and is used to kill the bacteria responsible for the acne. It may take several weeks to a few months for antibiotic treatments to take effect. This type of treatment must continue even after the acne has cleared up. Common side effects that have been associated with Tetracycline include an increase in sensitivity to sun light. This may potentially cause a bad sunburn should the patient dwell in the sun for too long of a time. Various other side effects include hives, dizziness and upset stomachs.

Acne skin care products can be very inexpensive, or very expensive, depending on what you are buying. Just because a product is expensive does not mean that it will work. However, the products that do work usually are expensive. Do your research, and purchase products that have a proven track record. This doesn’t mean that the product will necessarily work for you, but the chances of it working are improved, because it has been scientifically proven to be effective for the majority of the people who use it.

Salicyclic Acid is very effective in the treatment of blackheads. It can loosen and soften thick, clogged pores. However, it does little to prevent the development of new blemishes.

The first step an Acne sufferer must take is to come to terms with his or her condition. It will have a negative impact on your life because our society judges us by our appearance. The trick is that an acne sufferer does not need to face this alone. Think about the numbers mentioned in the home page “Acne affects about 80% of all adolescents”. That means that eight out of every ten people around you is or has had to battle with acne and its negative social impacts. So don’t be shy to inform and involve people you come into contact with to prevent the psychological scarring from becoming permanent.

About the Author

Sarah Rhodes suffered from severe acne for many years before finally discovering a cure that works. Read about Sarah and the secret that permanently cured her acne at:

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