Deer In The Headlights? Learn How To Reduce Stress So That You Can Cope And Reduce Debt
If one day you wake up surrounded by piles of debt, then stress doesn't have a long way to go. Debt is undeniably one of the major factors which can negatively affect the overall health being of a person.
Debt can induce stress which in the long run can increase the production of cortisol hormones. Increased cortisol hormone production is associated with many life threatening risks including high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
So What Causes Stress Exactly? According to health professionals, people who face a mountain of debts usually report health problems including depression, anxiety and even heart attacks. Undeniably, debts are causing a great pain in the neck, back, stomach and head.
The most common causes of stress include social and personal relationships, workplace, and of course diseases such as CVD, eye problems and hypertension. Finance and lack of money can also cause stress. Many people are stressed due to piles of letters and lots of incoming phone calls from lending companies.
What Can I Do to Reduce Stress? When confronted by stress, most people tend to grab stress relieving medications. Instead of doing such thing, why don't you observe a healthier lifestyle? Adopting a healthy and conducive lifestyle is one of the best ways to deal and cope with stress naturally.
Make time for relaxation. Take a break and nurture yourself so you won't have difficulty in dealing with the bustles and the hustles of life. Perhaps you can take a walk with your kids or friends, take a long bath, have a massage, play with your kids or pets, spend time with nature, watch a comedy film, talk to a friend or listen to music. Never forget your sense of humour. Laughing is a good way to fight off stress.
Exercise regularly. This is perhaps one of the best and non-expensive natural way of relieving stress. Regular exercise helps in regulating the production of hormones in the body which can result to improved health being.
Take a healthy diet. Intake of healthy diet is beneficial in fighting off stress. Always be mindful with what your mouth takes in. Start your day right by taking breakfast composed of nutritious foods. Make sure to take healthy foods on appropriate meal hours. It can sustain an optimum energy level all day long.
Get adequate sleep. Taking enough sleep helps in fueling and rejuvenating your mind and body. Insufficient sleep can create a huge negative impact to your performance.
Reduce your intake of caffeine and sugar. Frequent intake of these foods usually results to crash in energy and mood. Reducing your intake of these types of foods can make you feel more relaxed and you get better sleep.
What Should Never Be Done When In Stress Below are some of the things which you may be inclined to do to relieve stress. Some of these activities may offer relief for stress but only in the short run. In fact, most of these activities create more damaging effects when practiced in times of stress.
First, never withdraw from relatives, friends and family. In times of stress, most people opt to deal with their problems on their own. Confiding your problems to others can actually help in coping with stress. They can offer you sound advices on how to deal with your problems. Remember, you are not alone and of course, two heads are better than one!
Avoid alcohol and cigarette smoking. Whenever problems arise, many people tend to smoke often and drink liquor to get away with them. But of course, alcohol can only provide temporary relief. When you wake up in the morning, you will still have to face the reality. Why not get up and face your problem instead?
Avoid zoning out for long hours in front of the computer and TV as well as never take out your stress on others. Avoid procrastinating, overeating, under-eating, oversleeping and of course, never take drugs.
What Should You Do With Your Distressing Debt Problem If you are stressed due to debt problems, instead of avoiding your problem, you must recognize that it really exists. Formulate ways on how to solve your problem and take action. The sooner you start taking action, the sooner your debt will be addressed. You can ask for some impartial advice from the Consumer Credit Counselling Service or Citizen's Advice Bureau.
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