Are outsourced iPhone development companies aware of the various steps to get iPhone apps approved?

by chirag thumar

Outsourcing development of iPhone apps is a major phenomenon where companies think that their job is over once they have outsourced the development of the application to their iPhone developers. Usually, the viewpoint is that once you have outsourced iPhone development of apps to a vendor with all the requirements then the company’s responsibility is over. However, this is not the case, in fact this is just the beginning of a long road ahead. It is not that easy to get iPhone apps developed and approved as it sounds and there is such abundance of iPhone apps available in the market that everyone thinks it is a cakewalk.

Through this article I hope to shed light on some of the processes needed to not only get iPhone apps developed from outsourced companies but also what it takes to get them approved. There are certain rules and regulations that every company hoping to get an app developed from an outsourced iPhone development company needs to know.

What it takes to launch an iPhone app?

The question of getting the app developed from an outsourced iPhone development company is not the only concern because there is certain commercial and administrative issues too that one needs to look into. For instance, if a company is getting it developed from an outsourced iPhone development company, then they need to make sure the third party is registered with Apple as official developers. The registration does come at an annual cost and once registered, the outsourced iPhone development team will be able to download Apple’s software development kit (SDK).

The SDK is a kind of a tool kit that offers all the requisite development tools, technical notes as well as modules needed to get the iPhone app designed and developed. Once the outsourced iPhone development company completes the app, the company can submit it to Apple. The decision of approving or rejecting the app is completely dependent on Apple and if it is approved then the app is released on the app store.

What is the kind of risks you can look at?

There are certain factors companies need to be careful about and ensure that their outsourced iPhone development company is also following them. For instance, ownership is a delicate issue and therefore there are certain terms and conditions layout. For instance, the outsourced iPhone development company can use the SDK on the condition that the content being used is absolutely original or permission has been taken from the owner. Hence, if as a company you are looking at using third party content, then it is important that your company enters into a licensed agreement with the third party. Also, if your company is getting outsourced iPhone Development Company to create an app for you, then it is important that it shouldn’t contain any kind of content which is obscene or offensive. These are few aspects that both the company and outsourced iPhone development vendor needs to keep in mind so that they enjoy a higher chance of getting their iPhone app approved

About the Author

iPhone apps is a major phenomenon where companies think that their job is over once they have outsource iphone development of the application to their iPhone developers

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