Saturn Occult Symbolism and The Cube

by Paul A Philips

Recently I saw a movie that's been out for some years called the 'Cube.' It's a sci-fi horror thriller where 7 characters all strangers wake up with no recollection of how they find themselves in a strange never-ending hi-tech Kafkaesque-like maze.

It doesn't take long to realize that the slightest movement in certain places could set off deadly booby-traps for the characters. With little means of escape the movie progresses with unpredictable nerve-stretching intrigue...

The Cube's purpose, who constructed it and how the characters got there, was never given. There have been many interpretations or attempts to explain it. I couldn't help comparing it to planet Saturn's related occult symbolism and not without reason.

Saturn and the black cube

Since ancient times in occult symbolism Saturn (aka Satan the Christian devil, Set the Egyptian God of evil, or the Gnostic 'Corrupted Demiurge...' etc) has been known to represent negativity such as that found in limitations in space and time, conflict and death. Limitations in space and time, conflict and death are not the only comparisons that could be made between Saturn occult symbolism and the plot/storyline in the Cube movie: Saturn is symbolized by the cube.

The Saturn cube is derived from the planet's North Pole called the '6 pointed star.' The cube is a 3-dimensional representation of the 2-dimensional hexagonal North Pole 6 pointed star.

Saturn occult symbolism is symbolised by a black cube. Without many people ever knowing its sinister origin it can be seen all over the world and is used in the entertainments industry, religions and corporate logos.... as the saying goes If you haven't seen it then your eyes haven't been opened. Heavily into the occult it has been said that the world's ruling elite pay homage to and the worship of the Saturn cube.

The Saturn matrix control system - Be prepared to take the reddest of red pills!

Research suggests that in essence we are trapped in space and time inside a cube by the Saturn matrix control system. Have the world's ruling elite and their mysterious associates through the generations been playing us into servitude like a violin string using this extraordinary advanced technological Saturn matrix control system?

If you want to get some idea of how advanced the technology is in this then take a look at Norman Bergrun's meticulous research 'The Ringmakers of Saturn.' A former aerospace and NASA research scientist described how the Voyager 1 flight to Saturn took photos revealing some 11,000 mile long cylindrical spaceships having an involvement in the making of Saturn's rings...

-Yes, I know folks, this is really deep down in the rabbit-hole stuff and all too much for some, but please do your own research...

It has been said that in the matrix control system Saturn is the 'mainframe computer' powered up by our sun's photonic energy. Then Saturn sends out information which is received by our Moon acting as some kind of interface modular system. The moon, in turn, sends communication signals to Earth using virtual instrumentation, producing the simulated information; the fake reality that we receive and believe to be real.

The assimilation of this fake reality inside the inescapable matrix has been used as a platform for those seemingly never ending cycles related to reincarnation suffering, death, disease and famine...

Escaping the Saturn moon matrix

If this is the case then how do we escape this computer programmed existence where everything's based on lies?

I believe the answer lies in thinking, feeling and acting from the heart. The heart-centred singularity sees right through the lies, knowing that unconditional love is the only truth. This is the 'wormhole' where we can go through and escape the matrix: The platform for creating a life that's based on serving others; selfless acts of kindness that will indeed encourage those surrounding to do the same thing while raising our conscious awareness...

-With unconditional love and that shift in consciousness anything is possible. No matrix controlling authority is higher than this.

YOU ARE that authority.

About the Author

If you liked reading this then go to for more related articles, blogs and videos...including a free e-book download entitled 'The Greater Way and the New Paradigm Experience' NewParadigm is a portal to transformation, consciousness, spirituality, mind, body, health, alternative media and much more... Hosted by Paul A Philips. One again the link is:

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